Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Larsen, Anna Grøndahl
Naper, Anja Aaheim
Reporting Through Patriotic Lenses: How Journalists and Political Actors Understand and Assess the Community Role of Local Journalism.
15 p.
Journalism Studies.
Vol. 23.
Naper, Anja Aaheim
Compassionate Border Securitisation? Border Control in the Scandinavian News Media during the ‘Refugee Crisis’.
16 p.
Nordic Journal of Migration Research.
Vol. 12.
Enli, Gunn;
Naper, Anja Aaheim
Social Media Incumbent Advantage: Barack Obama's and Mitt Romney's Tweets in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election Campaign.
Bruns, Axel; Enli, Gunn; Skogerbø, Eli; Larsson, Anders Olof; Christensen, Christian (Ed.).
The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics. p. 364-378.
Eide, Elisabeth ; Naper, Anja (2014). Klimavalg i mediene. Journalistene og det politiske spillet. Eide, Elisabeth; Elgesem, Dag; Gloppen, Siri; Rakner, Lise (Ed.). Klima, medier og politikk. p. 45-65. Abstrakt forlag.
Eide, Elisabeth
; Kjølstad, Maria;
Naper, Anja Aaheim
After the 22 July Terror in Norway. Media Debates on Freedom of Expression and Multiculturalism.
Nordic Journal of Migration Research.
Vol. 3.