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First course on neural data analysis

In the autumn of 2021 we are going to run our first course on neural data analysis. This course aims to teach master and PhD students in neuroscience all the necessary computing skills to handle the data from behaviour, electrophysiology and imaging.

In the course Neuro-insights: Data Science Approaches in Neuroscience, we focus on practical coding of the analysis and heuristics over abstract theory. 

Most young researchers in life and health sciences do not have a solid quantitative background, and because of this they often face difficulties when analyzing data independently. This represents a major drawback in research. 

If you are a student involved in neuroscience research projects this course is highly recommended as it provides a comprehensive introduction to data science and big data applied to neuroscience research.

The course is free and open for all students in Europe. It is sponsored by the Norwegian Research School in Neuroscience (

The application deadline for this course is the 15th of April. 

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