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A Fair Chance? How Geography Shapes Life Opportunities (FAIR)
The project addresses how the spatial context in which people live during different stages of their lives shape their life prospects and socioeconomic outcomes.
A Life Course Perspective on the Gendered Pathways of Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life, and its Consequences for Health and Wellbeing (GENPATH)
GENPATH is an international European research project focussing on social exclusion in later life.
A Multidimensional Approach to Social Exclusion in Later Life – Health Consequences for Ageing Populations (AMASE)
The overall aim of the project is to enhance research-based knowledge on the multidimensional nature of old age social exclusion and its consequences for health and to identify conditions that minimize social exclusion of disadvantaged groups.
A Study of Cases in the County Board Concerning Care Orders
The project deals with the Child Welfare Service’s and the County Social Welfare Boards’ handling of compulsory care order cases in ethnic minority families.
ACCESS Life Course Database: Upgrade and Expansion
Through the ACCESS Upgrade infrastructure, researchers and students will gain access to updated and upgraded longitudinal life course data for more than 11,000 men and women born between 1922 and 1966.
Active Ageing – Pathways and Outcomes (AgePaths)
This project investigates pathways and outcomes of active ageing in three domains and their interactions: the labor market, civil society, and the family.
Activity Friend for Persons with Dementia
The project addresses what role the "activity friend" volunteers play in municipal health care and for people with dementia in Norway.
Adolescent Physical Violence. Understanding Societal Trends and Life Outcomes for Perpetrators
This project covers the use of violence among Norwegian adolescents and is financed through the Domestic Violence Research Program at NOVA.
Adolescents in Oslo in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The aim of the study was to map young people’s everyday life and quality of life, and how they experience the COVID-19 pandemic while they were still subject to strict restrictions.
Against All Odds?
Why do some care leavers end up doing well as young adults, against all odds? What does "doing well" mean to young women and men, with majority backgrounds? These are questions we seek to investigate in this project.
Area Review of Housing Solutions and Health and Care Services for the Elderly
How can the state and municipality more effectively facilitate elderly people to age in place?
Assessment for Learning in Citizenship Education (ALiCE)
The project aims to develop a framework for assessment, with a focus on formative assessment, in the context of citizenship education across Europe.
Caring for Children with Disabilities
The research project will investigate whether children with disabilities have their fundamental rights safeguarded in encounters with the health and care service.
Changing Drug Use and Drug Policy
The project aims to provide new insights into young people's patterns of alcohol and illegal drug use, the social meaning of drugs, and the consequences of drug-related sanctions.
Child Protection and Pluralism
The aim of the project is to evaluate the effects of a communication campaign about Norwegian child protection services.
Child Welfare in Norway 1990-2011
A register data study of Norwegian child welfare clients.
Child Welfare Institutions for Young People with Drug Addiction and Separate Institutions for One Single Young Person
The project investigate the child welfare institutions for young people with drug addiction and separate institutions for one single young person.
Child Welfare Services and Risk Assessment
The project investigates how the child welfare services work on risk assessment and safety measures when a child is placed outside the home.
Child Welfare Services and their Work With Cases of Violence and Abuse
This project aims to fill the knowledge gap about how the child welfare service tackles violence and abuse cases.
Children with a Refugee Background – Measures for Inclusion and Belonging (Barnfluk)
The project aims to discover the experiences children and young people who come to Norway as refugees have with the settlement and integration process, and how municipalities work with this group.
Children's Level of Living: The Impact of Family Economy for Children's Lives
The aim of the project was to explore how income influence different aspects of children's lives.
Combining Work and Care for Older Parents (CoWorkCare)
The primary objective of CoWorkCare is to generate knowledge on how employees' care obligations for their old parents affect their labour market participation.
Complementary Pathways for Adult Refugees: The Role of VET, Skills and Qualifications
The aim of the project is to increase the evidence base which can support policy- and decision-making in EU MS in designing and implementing complementary pathway mechanisms for admission of adult refugees from a first host country to an EU country throug
Computer gaming – an inclusive youth arena?
This PhD project will explore the potential for computer games as an arena for inclusion in youth.
Consequences of the Pandemic for Living Conditions and Equality
In this project we will investigate the consequences of the pandemic for living conditions for children and young people, equality in families and for individuals, including children and adults with disabilities.
CONTEXT – Creating Integrated Person-centred Care in Different Settings
This project addresses how settings and contexts which enhance people-centred care can be created.
Coping with Flexibility. Behavioral Adaptations to the New Pension System and their Consequences in a Lifetime Perspective
The aim of this project is to study how people adapt to the reformed pension system. In particular, we look at adaptations to the increasing flexibility offered – both in terms of savings, and in terms of job planning and ways of combining work and pensio
Cosmopolitan Turn and Democratic Sentiments (CONSENT)
CONSENT is a large bilateral project between Norway and Romania. The main objective is to investigate empirically, both in Romania and Norway, to what extent the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is considered to be relevant when developing poli
Crisis Management in a Polycentric Nordic Local Democracy: Different Governance Structures – Different Results? (POLYGOV)
The overall goal of the project is to identify the differences in the Nordic countries’ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the outcomes thereof and to relate these differences to policy, governance, organisation and management.
Crosscare-Old: A Cross Sectoral Approach to High Quality Healthcare Transitions for Older People
The project aims to increase the understanding of the role of cross-sectoral factors that constitute barriers for high quality care transitions for older people from hospital to municipal care.
DARE – Dialogue about Radicalisation and Equality
The project investigates how young people aged between 12 and 30 respond to messages and agents of radicalisation.
Democracy, Equality, Learning and Mobilisation for Future Citizens (DEMOCIT)
The aim of DEMOCIT is to partake in reducing a growing civic empowerment gap within Norwegian democracy.
Descendants of Immigrants and the Concerned Welfare State
This project examines the ongoing, relational negotiations between the welfare state and the public's understanding of problems, on the one hand, and processes of change in the minority population, on the other.
Digital Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents
The project will, in a comprehensive literature review, map existing knowledge about digital sexual violence against children and adolescents.
Direct and Indirect Costs of Disabilities in Children (BUDGET)
The research project addresses the costs aspects of caring for a child with a disability.
Disadvantaged in the Housing Market: Effects of Public Interventions (DISADVANTEGED)
This project aims to evaluate all major social housing policy instruments in Norway, aimed at helping disadvantaged individuals to better and more stable housing.
Discrimination of Muslims in the Labour Market
The topic of this project is the discrimination of Muslims in the labour market.
Enabling Ageing in Place (AgePlace)
In this project the researchers aim to generate new knowledge on the precondition for safe ageing in place.
Equality and Multiculturalism
A comparative study of Norwegian and Dutch processes of alterity and identity.
European Labour Market Under Pressure – New Knowledge on Pathways to Include Persons in Vulnerable Situations (Paths2Include)
PATHS2INCLUDE will expand our understanding of the multidimensional aspects of labour market discrimination, the impact of different policy frameworks, and the gaps and possible need for change on various levels in order to detect mechanisms and processes
Evaluating the Ombudsman against Bullying
NOVA is responsible for a research-based evaluation of the regional ombudsman office.
Evaluation of 'Robust Youth'
The main aim of the project is to evaluate 'Robust Youth' which is a program designed to being preventive and promote better health among youth.
Evaluation of a Pilot Project on Integrated Accommodation for Women and Men in a Crisis Center
An evaluation of the pilot project: Integrated accomodation for women, men and children at Romerike crisis center.
Evaluation of minority counsellor pilot projects in upper secondary schools and adult learning centres
NOVA researchers will evaluate two pilot projects placing minority counsellors in secondary schools in vulnerable urban areas and adult learning centres.
Evaluation of Norwegian Barnahus
This project is a national evaluation of the Norwegian Barnahus model.
Evaluation of Ritual Circumcision of Boys (RITOM)
This evaluation shall produce research-based knowledge on whether the Norwegian law on ritual circumcision of boys functions according to its purpose.
Evaluation of the Children's and Family Agency's arena flexible team for child welfare
The project will generate knowledge that can shed light on whether the Children and Family Agency's arena-flexible team is functioning as intended and whether there is a need for changes in the measures.
Evaluation of The Government’s Annual National Integration Conference
The evaluation is an effort to establish whether the conference has reached its goals both with regard to the final conference and its preliminary, regional meetings.
Evaluation of the The Grant Scheme for Humanitarian Measures to Arriving EEA Citizens who Subsist as Beggars
NOVA was commissioned by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security to evaluate activities and measures for arriving EEA citizens who subsist as beggars.
The objective of the project is to increase the knowledge about the oldest workers and their experiences, as well as how companies handle work exit and the change in mandatory retirement age.
Explaining Social Patterns in Sickness Absence: the Influence of Values, Attitudes and Norms (SAVAN)
The project aims to study the influence of values, attitudes and norms on sickness absence.
Family Care and Labour Market Participation in Senior Years (FamLab)
The main research question in this project is: What characterizes the interplay between labour market participation and engagement in family care for men and women with parents in need of care, and what are the conditions affecting adjustments within the
Family Counselling: Equal Services for a Diverse Population?
The researchers investigate what it implies for the family services to provide equal services in different local contexts, and what kind of challenges the services experience when trying to provide equal services.
Follow-up research of "Sport for all in Oslo"
In this research, NOVA at OsloMet, in collaboration with the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, evaluate the program «Sport for all in Oslo» from its inception in 2018 until 2024.
Follow-up Research – Living Conditions, Upbringing and Education. Area Studies in Loddefjord and Olsvik
The theme of this project is the process and implementation of an area initiative in the Municipality of Bergen.
From Boys to Men: Diverging Developments of Masculinity with Varying Consequences? (FRAGMEN)
What are the characteristics of masculinity and masculine practices in contemporary Norway?
From Settlement to Adult Life. A Study of the Service Chain for Unaccompanied Minor Refugees
The research project will provide up-to-date knowledge about the services offered to young refugees who have come as unaccompanied minors and who have achieved residency in Norway.
Gender, Youth and Leisure
This project explores gendered patterns in youths’ leisure activities.
Global Care Workers in the Norwegian Welfare State: Care Chains, Intersectionality and Social Capital
In this project, attention is drawn to the careers of two groups of migrant care workers in Norway, nurses and au pairs, to the structures that have formed their careers, as well as to the impact on the care institutions of recruiting care workers from ab
HIRE? A Mixed-method Examination of Disability and Employers Inclusive Working Life Practices
Employers' understandings of disability as well as their broader knowledge and skills are likely to influence their risk assessments and hiring practices. HIRE? aims to fill this knowledge gap.
Housing Market and Housing Policy in Norway – an International Comparison
In this project the researchers compare central features of the Norwegian housing market and housing policy with those of Sweden, Denmark, Austria, UK, the Netherlands and Germany.
Housing Market Mobility in Old Age: Attitudes, Drivers and Barriers
The project adresses how elderly people adapt their housing consumption in light of the physical and mental changes associated with ageing.
HOUSINGWEL – Centre for Housing and Welfare Research
HOUSINGWEL aims to be a hub for research on housing and welfare in Norway.
How do Norwegian Festivals Contribute to Artistic Development, Social Communities and New Forms of Political Participation? (FESTIPOL)
The overall aim is to investigate how support from the Arts Council Norway help Norwegian festivals to reach broader political aims related to artistic development, political participation and social community formation in practice?
How Do We Provide Better, Safer and More Cost-Effective Pathways for Older People?
The project addresses how the spatial context in which people live during different stages of their lives shape their life prospects and socioeconomic outcomes.
How Has Covid-19 Affected Norwegian Youth?
The project investigates how the covid-19-pandemic have affected Norwegian youth.
Humanitarian Report 2019: Between the Welfare State and Voluntary Work
This project aims to give a comprehensive picture of what services are available for certain vulnerable groups in Norway.
Including Children and Young People in the Voluntary Service
The purpose of this project is to look into how well different groups of young people are included in the volunteering, and what tools organisations and authorities use to include these young people.
Income Dynamics and Housing Allowances
In this project, we aim to supplement the knowledge of the role non-taxable incomes play in the budgets of low-income receivers of housing allowances.
Inequalities in Ageing Well and the Significance of Transitions in Later Life (TRILL)
TRILL addresses the impact of later life transitions on opportunities for ageing well.
Inequality in Youth – A Qualitative, Longitudinal Research Database
Inequality in youth is a qualitative, longitudinal research database on youths in Norway, intended to be a parallel to the quantitative Ungdata surveys.
International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 (ICCS)
The ICCS 2016-study investigates students’ knowledge and understanding of societal values, civic society and political systems.
Key Inclusive Development Strategies for Life-Long Learning (KIDS4ALLL)
KIDS4ALLL aims to pilot an innovative action that will experiment a learning method and learning environment in formal, non-formal and informal educational contexts to address the integration challenges of migrant children.
Knowledge on Technology-facilitated Sexual Abuse against Children and Adolescents – Offenders, the Offended, and Arenas
The project will generate new knowledge about sexual abuse of children and adolescents, with the main emphasis on technology-facilitated sexual abuse.
Leisure activities for Children and Youth in a Gender Equality Perspective
In this project, NOVA will review research from the last ten years that address children and youth’s leisure time in combination with perspectives on gender, gender equality and gender stereotypes.
Literature Review on Cousin Marriages
Literature review: Research on cousin marriages as seen in the light of the individual right to decide about one's own life.
Living conditions among children and youth with ADHD
The project will map living conditions and quality of life among children and youth with ADHD from their parents’ perspective.
Living Conditions for Adults with ADHD
The project will map living conditions and quality of life among adults with ADHD.
Local Match in Refugee Resettlement
This project aims to discover how the government can better match newly arrived refugees with Norwegian municipalities through better linking of settlement, skills, and labour needs.
Making Persons with Disabilities Full Citizens (DISCIT)
DISCIT aims to produce new knowledge enabling Member States, affiliated European countries and the European Union to achieve full and effective participation of persons with disabilities in society and economy.
Mental health and life satisfaction among youth with disabilities and experiences of services in the post-pandemic period (D-youth)
This project will provide new knowledge on mental health, life satisfaction, and use of services among youth with disabilities in the Nordic countries during the post-pandemic period.
Migration for Welfare: Nurses within Three Regimes of Immigration and Integration into the Norwegian Welfare State (WELLMIG)
WELLMIG brings together the perspectives that migrants not only depend on, but also make significant contributions to the welfare state.
Minority Students in Upper Secondary School
This project is about school satisfaction, educational drive and school performance among students with immigrant background in Norwegian upper secondary school.
Motivation and Mastery. Evaluation of Flyt – A Life Skills Programme for Young People in Vulnerable Life situations
To what extent does the programme help to build up the students who participate and make them better equipped to complete and pass upper secondary school?
National Safety Survey
The project will map concern for crime and victims of crime in Norway.
National Safety Survey 2020
The project will map concern for crime and victims of crime in Norway.
Negotiating Early Job Insecurity and Labour Market Exclusion in Europe (NEGOTIATE)
NEGOTIATE is a research project examining the long- and short-term consequences of job insecurity and labour market exclusion of young people.
New Pension System: Legitimacy, Behavioural Effects and Sustainability (PensjonsLAB)
A long-term research contract on the issues of old age pension and labour market activity among seniors financed by The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
Norwegian Schools’ Experiences with and Handling of Exemptions and Absences on Religious Grounds
In this project, we aim to investigate how schools handle requests for exemption from teaching and school activities based on religion and life stance.
Parenting and Youth Sports: Inequality in Young People’s Leisure Time Activities?
The focus of this project is how parents influence young people's leisure activities.
Parenting in Ethnic and Religious Minority Contexts in Norway
The aim of the project is to develop research-based knowledge about different forms of parenthood that co-exist in Norway, based on parents’ own perspectives.
Participation in Sports among Norwegian Youth
The aim of the research project is to gain new knowledge about the social position and status of sport participation among young people in Norway.
Place Attachment and Identity Exploration in Young People’s Physical and Digital Everyday Life
This PhD project delves into the experiences of young people growing up in multicultural environments and neighborhoods with reputation issues.
Politics of Popular Music in a Changing Latin America
This project explores the political and cultural significance of popular music in today's Latin America.
Possible consequences of moving patterns for people who have been granted a start-up loan in Oslo municipality
The project examines who the initial loan recipients were and are in Oslo, and what the consequences of selective relocation are for districts and sub-districts in Oslo.
Promising Practices: Holistic Work Inclusion of Young Adults
The project will map how young adults are followed up in NAV with the aim of developing the work inclusion practice of this group.
Qualification and Social Inclusion in Upper Secondary Vocational Education and Training (SAFETY-VET)
The main objective of the project is to generate knowledge about factors of importance for attainment in and completion of upper secondary VET among student groups with a potential risk of non-completion or drop out. We also study the importance of gender
Qualify Unification in Europe for Shifting Trust. A Comparative Research on Muslims Responses to the Politics of Threat in France, UK, Spain, and Norway (QUEST)
What does it mean to ‘be Muslim’ in a polarized Europe?
Refinancing through the Starter Mortgage Programme – Does it Affect the Subsequent Housing Career?
In this project the researchers investigate how persons who receive refinancing through the starter mortgage programme fare.
Review of Norwegian Research on Ethnic Discrimination of Children and Young People
The project includes a review of relevant research contributions that deal with ethnic discrimination against children and adolescents in Norway.
Sexual abuse in the immigrant population - experiences with seeking help and reporting
The researchers will investigate whether individuals of immigrant background who have been exposed to sexual abuse are less likely to seek help or report to the police than victims without this background.
Sexual Culture in Youth
The project will investigate how young people negotiate, experience and handle issues related to sexuality, sexual health and risk - in light of both contemporary youth culture, and other social and societal conditions.
Shades of Grey: Negotiating Age Norms, Class and Gender in the time of Pension Reform
How employers and employees maneuver under the new circumstances in The Norwegian pension reform.
Social and Digital Participation: School and the Internet as an Integration Arena for Children and Young People with Physical Disabilities
The aim of the project is to map the degree of social participation and the scope of social networks among children and young people with physical disabilities.
Social Impact Measurement for Civil Society Organizations (SIM4CSOs)
SIM4CSOs is an Erasmus + project that intends to empower the operation of non-profits within Civil Society by enhancing their effectiveness, transparency and governance through the application of social impact measurement methods.
Social Inequalities in Ageing (SiA)
In this project researchers investigate what influences social inequalities in health, and how different organization of welfare institutions can affect social inequalities in ageing.
Social Inequality and Housing over the Life Course: Good Choices or Lucky Outcomes?
The project studies the interplay between housing and other dimensions of social inequality.
Social Rented Housing in Oslo. Dilemmas in a Market-oriented and Means-tested Housing Sector
Social rented housing is one of the most important policy instruments in the municipality of Oslo’s social housing policy.
Socio-spatial Inequality among Families with Children with Disabilities who are Entitled to Cash Benefits and Welfare Services (UPTAKE)
The research project will provide insight into the uptake and delivery of benefits and services among parents of children with disabilities.
Solidarity in European Societies: Empowerment, Social Justice and Citizenship (SOLIDUS)
Overall, the project analyses the acts and policies of solidarity we see developing across Europe, the extent to which they involve dialogic and inclusive processes, and what outcomes and relevance for policy developments they have.
Sports Research at the Ungdata Centre
The project aims to update and widen our knowledge about participation in sports and physical activity and experiences with sports among children and young people in Norway.
State of Knowledge: The Resource Situation in Nursing Homes and Home Nursing
The project summarizes research and available data which illuminates the resource situation (staffing and competence) in nursing homes and home nursing.
Strategies for Achieving Equity and Inclusion in Education, Training and Learning in Democratic Europe (STRIDE)
STRIDE will provide a new, comprehensive and comparative knowledge-base on effective education reforms, policy initiatives and interventions aimed at reducing inequalities in education, training and learning outcomes in Europe.
Stress among Youths
In this project, we aim to gain knowledge about how and why youths experience stress and stressors.
Survey of old peoples' living situation and housing preferences for the future
The project investigates the housing situation of the elderly and their housing wishes and plans for the future.
Sustainability Performances, Evidence and Scenarios (SPES)
The aim of the SPES project is to generate new knowledge about the nexus between economic growth, human flourishing and sustainability, fostering the transition towards the sustainable human development in European countries and regions.
Sustainable European Welfare Societies: Assessing Linkages between Social and Environmental Policy
How can researchers and policymakers approach issues of welfare state and environmental sustainability in mutually supportive ways across policy fields?
Sustainable Societies in the 21st Century: From Welfare States to Eco-social States (WEST)
The WEST project examines what we call the ecological dilemma of the Norwegian welfare state.
The Barnahus Model: Developmental Trends and Institutional Tensions
Based on the Norwegian and international barnahus models, this project will explore how the barnahus model has developed and changed over time, as well as the institutional tensions that permeats the barnahus operation.
The Consequences of Growing up in Low-income Families
This project will do a review of existing research on the consequences of growing up in low-income families in Norway.