Norwegian version
Giang Huong Le

Giang Huong Le


Giang Huong Le holds a Doctor of Laws from Hanoi Law University and a Master of Applied Social Sciences in International Social Welfare and Health Policy from Oslo Metropolitan University. Le is currently a PhD candidate in the PhD Program Social Work and Social Policy at the Faculty of Social Sciences, OsloMet-Oslo Metropolitan University. Her research focuses on social inequalities in health and utilizes register-based data. Her ongoing PhD project investigates the impact of working conditions on health, specifically within the contexts of gender and class-segregated labor markets.

Scientific publications

Le, Giang Huong ; Hermansen, Åsmund ; Dahl, Espen (2023). Return to work after cancer–the impact of working conditions: A Norwegian Register-based Study. 13 p. Journal of cancer survivorship.

Le, Giang Huong ; Hermansen, Åsmund ; Dahl, Espen (2023). Constructing and validating an Occupational Job Strain Index based on five Norwegian nationwide Surveys of Living Conditions on work environment. BMC Public Health. Vol. 23.

Nguyen, Anh Duc; Khanna, Dron; Le, Giang Huong ; Greer, Des; Wang, Xiaofeng; Zaina, Luciana Martinez; Matturro, Gerardo; Melegati, Jorge; Guerra, Eduardo; Kettunen, Petri; Hyrynsalmi, Sami; Edison, Henry; Sales, Afonso; Chanin, Rafael; Rutitis, Didzis; Kemell, Kai-Kristian; Aldaeej, Abdullah; Mikkonen, Tommi; Garbajosa, Juan; Abrahamsson, Pekka (2023). Work-from-home impacts on software project: A global study on software development practices and stakeholder perceptions. Software, Practice & Experience.

Le, Giang Huong ; Aartsen, Marja (2022). Understanding volunteering intensity in older volunteers. Ageing & Society.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete