Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Nyen, Torgeir; Tønder, Anna Hagen (2023). Fagopplæring og fordeling. Fløtten, Tone; Kavli, Hanne Cecilie; Trygstad, Sissel Charlotte (Red.). Ulikhetens drivere og dilemmaer. s. 74-88. Universitetsforlaget.
Aspøy, Tove Mogstad; Kavli, Hanne Cecilie;
Tønder, Anna Hagen
Da klokka klang … Utdanningens plass i integreringspolitikken.
Fløtten, Tone; Kavli, Hanne Cecilie; Trygstad, Sissel Charlotte (Red.).
Ulikhetens drivere og dilemmaer.
Bråten, Mona;
Tønder, Anna Hagen
En utdanning til randsonen? Barne- og ungdomsarbeiderfagets plass i arbeidslivet.
Søkelys på arbeidslivet.
Nyen, Torgeir;
Tønder, Anna Hagen
Capacity for reform: the changing roles of apprenticeship in three Nordic countries.
Transfer - European Review of Labour and Research.
Vol. 26.
Thunqvist, Daniel Persson;
Tønder, Anna Hagen
; Reegård, Kaja
A tale of two reforms: Institutional change in vocational education and training in Norway and Sweden in the 1990s.
European Educational Research Journal.
Nyen, Torgeir;
Tønder, Anna Hagen
Development of vocational skills through integration of practical training periods in school based vocational education in Norway.
Choy, Sarojni; Wärvik, Gun-Britt; Lindberg, Viveca (Red.).
Integration of Vocational Education and Training Experiences: Purposes, Practices and Principles. s. 227-242.
Jørgensen, Christian Helms;
Tønder, Anna Hagen
Transitions from vocational education to employment in the Nordic countries.
Jørgensen, Christian Helms; Olsen, Ole Johnny; Persson Thunqvist, Daniel (Red.).
Vocational Education in the Nordic Countries: Learning from Diversity. s. 29-50.
Virolainen, Maarit;
Tønder, Anna Hagen
Progression to higher education from VET in the Nordic countries: Mixed policies and pathways.
Jørgensen, Christian Helms; Olsen, Ole Johnny; Persson Thunqvist, Daniel (Red.).
Vocational Education in the Nordic Countries: Learning from Diversity. s. 51-73.
Tønder, Anna Hagen
; Aspøy, Tove Mogstad
When work comes first: Young adults in vocational education and training in Norway.
18 s.
International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training.
Vol. 4.
Nyen, Torgeir; Tønder, Anna Hagen ; Blossing, Ulf; Söderström, Åsa (2015). Local Drivers for Improvement Capacity. Six Types of School Organisations. ISBN: 978-3-319-12723-1. 74 s. Springer.