English version
John Eriksen

John Eriksen

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Olsen, Terje; Vedeler, Janikke Solstad ; Eriksen, John (2019). Hate speech as an expression of disablism: An examination of reported hate speech experiences and consequences. Sherry, Mark; Olsen, Terje; Vedeler, Janikke Solstad; Eriksen, John (Red.). Disability Hate Speech. Social, Cultural and Political Contexts. Routledge.

Sherry, Mark; Olsen, Terje; Vedeler, Janikke Solstad ; Eriksen, John (2019). Disability Hate Speech. Social, Cultural and Political Contexts. ISBN: 9780367193423. 256 s. Routledge.

Vedeler, Janikke Solstad ; Olsen, Terje; Eriksen, John (2019). Hate speech harms: a social justice discussion of disabled Norwegians' experiences. Disability & Society. Vol. 34.

Eriksen, John (2015). Knut Halvorsen: Velferd. Fra idé til politikk for et godt samfunn. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2014. 344 sider. 4 s. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. Vol. 56.

Wollscheid, Sabine; Eriksen, John ; Hallvik, Jørgen (2013). Undermining the rules in home care services for the elderly in Norway: flexibility and cooperation. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Vol. 27.

Næss, Siri; Eriksen, John (2011). Funksjonshemning. Næss, Siri; Eriksen, John; Moum, Torbjørn (Red.). Livskvalitet. Forskning om det gode liv. s. 128-136. Fagbokforlaget.

Næss, Siri; Eriksen, John ; Tambs, Kristian (2009). Perceived change in life satisfaction following epilepsy diagnosis. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 37.

Næss, Siri; Eriksen, John ; Tambs, Kristian (2007). Psychological well-being of people with epilepsy in Norway. Epilepsy & Behavior. Vol. 11.

Askheim, Ole Petter ; Andersen, Torhild; Eriksen, John (2006). Sosiale tjenester for familier som har barn med funksjonsnedsettelse. ISBN: 9788205364899. 148 s. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Næss, Siri; Eriksen, John ; Midthjell, K; Tambs, Kristian (2005). Subjective well-beeing before and after the onset of diabetes mellitus. Results of the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications (JDC). Vol. 19.

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