Norwegian version
Øyvind Førland Standal

Øyvind Førland Standal

Research projects

  • Literacies for Health and Life Skills

    The “Literacies for Health and Life Skills” (HLS) project aims to develop and implement a new didactic approach that will enable pre-service teachers to facilitate the development of young people´s health and life skills.

Scientific publications

Eriksen, Ingunn Marie ; Walseth, Kristin ; Standal, Øyvind Førland (2023). Bakgrunn for temaet Folkehelse og livsmestring. Walseth, Kristin; Standal, Øyvind Førland (Ed.). Folkehelse og livsmestring - med utgangspunkt i fagene. Universitetsforlaget.

Standal, Øyvind Førland ; Aaring, Vegard Fånes ; Kirk, David (2023). Exploring pedagogies of embodiment in physical education teacher education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.

Mathias, Gro ; Standal, Øyvind Førland (2023). The Psychosocial in Norwegian Teacher Education in Light of Epistemic Objects and Therapeutic Culture. 20 p. Professions and Professionalism. Vol. 13.

Bjørke, Lars; Standal, Øyvind Førland ; Moen, Kjersti Mordal (2022). ‘What we have done now is more student-centred’: an investigation of physical education teachers’ reflections over a one-year participatory action research project. Educational Action Research.

Mong, Hanne Herigstad; Standal, Øyvind Førland (2022). Teaching health in physical education: An action research project. 18 p. European Physical Education Review. Vol. 28.

Standal, Øyvind Førland ; Bratten, Judith Helene (2021). ‘Feeling better’: embodied self-knowledge as an aspect of movement capability. 9 p. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. Vol. 26.

Standal, Øyvind Førland ; Rugseth, Gro (2021). Inkluderende kroppsøving. ISBN: 9788202675639. 167 p. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Aggerholm, Kenneth; Standal, Øyvind Førland (2021). Kroppslig læring er noe man kan øve seg på. Østern, Tone Pernille; Bjerke, Øyvind; Engelsrud, Gunn Helene; Sørum, Anne Grut (Ed.). Kroppslig læring - perspektiver og praksiser. p. 72-83. Universitetsforlaget.

Bjørke, Lars; Standal, Øyvind Førland ; Moen, Kjersti Mordal (2020). ‘While we may lead a horse to water we cannot make him drink’: three physical education teachers’ professional growth through and beyond a prolonged participatory action research project. Sport, Education and Society.

Patricia, Longmuir; Downs, Peter; Standal, Øyvind Førland ; Goodwin, Donna (2020). Promoting physical activity in children with impairments. The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health. Vol. 4.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete