The objective of this network is to create an inspiring architectural anthropology research environment that extends across national, disciplinary and organisational boundaries and links scholarly research to design practice.
Nordic countries have a unique possibility of taking the lead in developing the novel research field of architectural anthropology. The humanistic approach is a hallmark of Nordic architecture and urban design, and architects and anthropologists here have always shared interest in the relationship between human beings and their spatial surroundings. Yet, recent developments in both disciplines make further integration of the two disciplines and the linking of the social to the spatial even more relevant.
This network gathers researchers from various Nordic Universities and Architectural Schools, junior researchers and actors from outside academia – all working in the interdisciplinary field between anthropology and architecture.
By way of three workshops held in Denmark, Norway and Sweden respectively, the participants of the network will exchange ideas and collaborate around research methods, theoretical developments, publications and new research proposals. Thereby the network will discuss and further develop the emerging research field of architectural anthropology.
The discussions and analyses of the network will be communicated through common publications and also result in a collaborative research proposal for Nordic or EU research programmes.
Stender, M., Bech-Danielsen, C. & Hagen, A.L. (eds.) (forthcoming 2021) Architectural Anthropology: Exploring Lived Space. London: Routledge.
- Vetenskapsrådet (Sverige)
- Aalborg universitet/Statens Byggeforsknings Institut