Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Kourtit, Karima; Nijkamp, Peter;
Östh, John
; Türk, Umut
Is artificial intelligence a trustworthy route navigation system for smart urban planning?.
17 s.
Eastern Journal of European Studies (EJES).
Vol. 15.
Türk, Umut;
Östh, John
; Kourtit, Karima; Nijkamp, Peter
Effects of external shocks on the Airbnb market–modeling business survival using geocoded open data.
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism.
Shuttleworth, Ian; Toger, Marina; Türk, Umut; Östh, John (2023). The Geography of Daily Urban Spatial Mobility During COVID: The Example of Stockholm in 2020 and 2021. Celbis, Mehmet Guney; Koutit, Karima; Nijkamp, Peter (Red.). Pandemic and the city. s. 261-278. Springer.
Toger, Marina;
Östh, John
; Gebert Persson, Sabine
What You See is Where You Go: Cruise Tourists’ Spatial Consumption of Destination Amenities.
Economic Themes.
Vol. 61.
Shuttleworth, Ian; Toger, Marina; Türk, Umut;
Östh, John
Did Liberal Lockdown Policies Change Spatial Behaviour in Sweden? Mapping Daily Mobilities in Stockholm Using Mobile Phone Data During COVID-19.
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy.
Türk, Umut;
Östh, John
Spatial Competition, Spatial Agglomeration and Survival of Small Businesses in Milan during COVID-19.
23 s.
Scienze Regionali.
Vol. 22.
Toger, Marina; Türk, Umut;
Östh, John
; Kourtit, Karima; Nijkamp, Peter
Inequality in leisure mobility: An analysis of activity space segregation spectra in the Stockholm conurbation.
13 s.
Journal of Transport Geography.
Vol. 111.
Kourtit, Karima; Nijkamp, Peter;
Östh, John
; Turk, Umut
Cyclists as Intelligent Carriers of Space-Time Environmental Information: Crowd-Sourced Sensor Data for Local Air Quality Measurement and Mobility Analysis in the Netherlands.
19 s.
The Journal of urban technology.
Türk, Umut;
Östh, John
Introducing a spatially explicit Gini measure for spatial segregation.
Journal of Geographical Systems.
Vol. 25.
Casalone, Giorgia; Michelangeli, Alessandra;
Östh, John
; Türk, Umut
The effect of lockdown on students’ performance: A comparative study between Italy, Sweden and Turkey.
13 s.
Vol. 9.