English version
Safiqul Islam

Safiqul Islam

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Welzl, Michael; Ott, Jörg; Perkins, Colin; Islam, Safiqul ; Kutscher, Dirk (2023). How not to IETF: Lessons Learned From Failed Standardization Attempts. Das, Sajal; Song, WenZhan (Red.). 2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops). IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

Alam, Mohammad Khursheed; Haque, Tahsinul; Akhter, Fatema; Albagieh, Hamad Nasser; Nabhan, Abdullah Bin; Alsenani, May Ahmed; Natesan, Ayyanar; Ramanujam, N.R.; Islam, Safiqul (2023). Teeth segmentation by optical radiographic images using VGG-16 deep learning convolution architecture with R-CNN network approach for biomedical sensing applications. 19 s. Optical and Quantum Electronics. Vol. 55.

Islam, Safiqul ; Hiorth, Kristian Andreas; Griwodz, Carsten; Welzl, Michael (2022). Is it really necessary to go beyond a fairness metric for next-generation congestion control?. ACM, New York (Red.). ANRW '22: Proceedings of the Workshop on Applied Networking Research. s. 1-7. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Welzl, Michael; Teymoori, Peyman; Islam, Md Safiqul ; Hutchison, David; Gjessing, Stein (2022). Future Internet Congestion Control: The Diminishing Feedback Problem. 5 s. IEEE Communications Magazine. Vol. 60.

Islam, Md Safiqul ; Welzl, Michael; Fladby, Tobias (2022). Real-Life Implementation and Evaluation of Coupled Congestion Control for WebRTC Media and Data Flows. IEEE Access. Vol. 10.

Welzl, Michael; Islam, Safiqul ; Gundersen, Michael; Fischer, Andreas (2021). Transport Services: A Modern API for an Adaptive Internet Transport Layer. IEEE Communications Magazine. Vol. 59.

Hayes, David Andrew; Welzl, Michael; Ferlin, Simone; Ros, David; Islam, Safiqul (2020). Online Identification of Groups of Flows Sharing a Network Bottleneck. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Vol. 28.

Welzl, Michael; Teymoori, Peyman; Gjessing, Stein; Islam, Safiqul (2020). Follow the Model: How Recursive Networking Can Solve the Internet's Congestion Control Problems. Conference Proceedings, IEEE (Red.). 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) . s. 518-524. IEEE conference proceedings.

Barik, Runa; Welzl, Michael; Teymoori, Peyman; Islam, Safiqul ; Gjessing, Stein (2020). Performance Evaluation of In-network Packet Retransmissions using Markov Chains. Conference Proceedings, IEEE (Red.). 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) . IEEE conference proceedings.

Barik, Runa; Welzl, Michael; Elmokashfi, Ahmed; Dreibholz, Thomas; Islam, Safiqul ; Gjessing, Stein (2019). On the Utility of Unregulated IP DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) Usage by End Systems. Performance evaluation (Print). Vol. 135.

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