I am a social anthropologist and my professional background is in nursing. My PhD is in the field of migration and health. I teach, supervise and research in the topics of migration health, mental health, health promotion, the development of healthcare services for the elderly and palliative healthcare services. Furthermore, I have been involved in educational research involving students with Norwegian as a second language, and currently in a project of simulation in education within the field of mental health and substance abuse.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Medical Anthropology Public Health Health policy Medicine and health Migration health Refugee mental health undocumented migrants, mental health, living conditions, global quality of life Geriatric nursing Bachelor i sykepleie Cultural competance in health care Healthcare to older people Culturally diverse education Samfunnsvitenskaplig perspektiv på sykepleie
Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Melilla, Hege Beate Stokmo; Sverre, Beate Lie ; Eilertsen, Grethe; Tønnessen, Siri (2024). Narratives of health-promoting experiences by older husbands and wives providing care to their home-dwelling spouses receiving home-care services in Norway. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 24. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-12097-3
Festvåg, Line Elida;
Sverre, Beate Lie
; Paulsen, Ørnulf; Eilertsen, Grethe
Advance care planning with older Norwegian adults in their homes: a narrative ethnographic study.
12 p.
BMC Palliative Care.
Vol. 23.
Jensen, Liv Helene;
Frisnes, Hjørdis
; Sødal, Cathrine Atundi; Eklund, Marthe Lyngås;
Sverre, Beate Lie
Nursing students’ experiences as academic and linguistic mentors–Practical participation-based action research.
18 p.
Educational Action Research.
Ssanova, Svetlana; Hougen, Maria Helene;
Sverre, Beate Lie
Å bygge broer. Helseressurser og sosial kapital blant eldre somaliere i Norge.
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning.
Vol. 8.
Sverre, Beate Lie
Frisnes, Hjørdis
; Sandsleth, Marit Gjone; Stenhammer, Anne
«Jeg blir sett, bekreftet positivt, og det gir mot» – Psykososialt læringsmiljø i Akademisk språkkafé.
Vol. 45.
Frisnes, Hjørdis
Sverre, Beate Lie
; Stenhammer, Anne; Sandsleth, Marit Gjone; Jensen, Liv Helene
Faglig og språklig utvikling hos studenter med norsk som andrespråk i Akademisk språkkafé – praktisk medvirkningsbasert aksjonsforskning.
Gjøtterud, Sigrid; Hiim, Hilde; Husebø, Dag; Jensen, Liv Helene (Ed.).
Aksjonsforskning i Norge : Grunnlagstenkning forskerroller og bidrag til endring i ulike kontekster : volum 2. p. 391-417.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Sverre, Beate Lie (2018). Integrasjon som helsefremmende prosesser. Debesay, Jonas; Tschudi-Madsen, Christine (Ed.). Migrasjon, helse og profesjon. p. 60-76. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Sverre, Beate Lie (2016). Migrasjon og helse En etnografisk studie av eldre pakistanske kvinner i det norske samfunnet. ISBN: 978-82-8333-201-8. 248 p. Universitetet i Oslo.