BSc. Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire
MSc. Occupational Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire
- Administrative coordination, investigation and case management related to PhD-education at the Faculty of Health Sciences
- Regulations and framework for PhD-education
- Assistance to PhD-candidates, supervisors, and management at the Faculty of Health Sciences
- Applications for admission to the PhD-programme
- Onboarding and follow-up of PhD-candidates, including welcome meetings, progress reports and midterm seminars
- Applications for changes in the supervision conditions, and credit transfer: planned external courses or completed external courses from other universities.
- Applications related to extensions and leaves of absence
- Administrative assistance with submission and evaluation of the PhD-thesis, trial lecture and public defence
- Internationalization on the PhD-level
- The doctoral module in FS (the national student information system), and FS based analyses, statistics and reports
- Christin administrator
For inquiries related to the PhD-education at the Faculty of Health Sciences, please send an e-mail to phd-hv@oslomet.no. As such, my colleagues will most likely be able to consider your inquiry if I am out of the office.
Administrative field of work
Cristin Disputation and Public defence Research training