Norwegian version
Liv Ingunn Bråten

Liv Ingunn Bråten


Graduated cand.paed - professional study in pedagogy with specialization in teaching, supervision and management at UiO. Further education at USN, NMBU and OsloMet in supervision, coaching, network relations and influencing processes, HRM; Human Resource Management, imployment law and bargaining agreements in the public sector, labour law and change management as well as animal-assisted interventions. Worked at UiO, Department of Teacher Education and School Research from March 1997 - September 2007. Employed at OsloMet (formerly Akershus University College then Oslo and Akershus University College) from October 2007. Union representative for the politically independent trade union Parat at OsloMet 2015 - 2021.

Administrative field of work

Programme plans   Master programmes   Examination   Continuing and further education   The National Student Database (FS)   Student counselling