Norwegian version

Public defence: Svetlana Norkin

Svetlana Norkin will defend her thesis for the PhD program in Social Science, with specialization in Information, Library and Archival Studies with "Understanding the mediating role of operational steering information flows on work autonomy in public sector organizations".

Trial lecture

The trial lecture lasts from 10:00-10:45.
Title: will be announced November 1

Public defence

The candidate will defend her thesis at 12:00. 


Head of the public defence

Dean Oddgeir Osland, Faculty of Social Sciences, Oslo Metropolitan University



This doctoral study explores how flows of operational steering information - that is, information about directives for public service delivery and how to interpret and apply them - influence the work autonomy of employees in public sector organizations. These employees deliver public services, following directives in their local situations. Operational steering information flows as part of socio-technical information infrastructure enable employees to adapt to local situations while maintaining alignment with the broader understanding of how to apply directives. 

This doctoral study found that these operational steering information flows, comprising both fixed and flexible gatekeeping structures, provide employees with actionable information, supporting autonomous and compliant public service delivery. These flows foster a shared understanding of how to apply directives, enabling employees to work autonomously. The interplay between these structures within the information flows shapes the work autonomy of public sector employees.

This doctoral study is a part of the "ManagementTRUST" project, which evaluated the implementation of trust-based management in the City of Oslo.