Background for the initiative
The purpose of the Marie Skłodowska Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) initiative at OsloMet is to support research talent in securing funding for an exciting stay as a research fellow at our university. Depending on circumstances, MSCA-PF fellows may be considered for permanent research positions. This initiative to host MSCA-PF research fellows should effectively serve to extend the university’s international R&I collaborative networks.
The External Funding and Research Support Team at OsloMet’s R&D Department (EU Team) conducts the recruitment process, in close collaboration with the Human Resources Department at central and local levels. The EU-Team also works with the researchers who will supervise the incoming candidates. The main activities carried out are distributed in three stages with an indicative timeline as follows:
Phase 1 – Publication of calls and process of recruiting candidates (End Nov-Mar)
The call texts are prepared by the researchers who are interested in recruiting research fellows; the announcements are published by mid-December. Applicants can be of any nationality or age; EU’s eligibility criteria for MSCA-PF are combined with some OsloMet’s specifics as follows:
- The PF fellowship is only for experienced researchers (ER) who must have a PhD
- OsloMet favors ERs with at least 1-2 years post-PhD award
- Non-Norwegian residence (max stay in Norway: 12 months in the last 3 years)
- The assessment of applicants is based on CV and a one-pager research project idea
- Applicants must demonstrate motivation and commitment to undertake the fellowship
- Maximum of two candidates per supervisor / three candidates per supervisory team
Phase 2 – Virtual Masterclass and individual meetings of candidates with supervisors (Apr-May)
The virtual masterclass is a two-day comprehensive seminar organised and hosted at OsloMet for candidates and supervisors, to provide them with information and training on the application process. It is required that participants attend.
Phase 3 – Proposal development (May – September)
This phase starts immediately after the masterclass and ends on the deadline for the submission of the application (usually 10 Sep). The applicant and supervisor must follow an agreed calendared workplan.
Post-submission phase - (year+1, Feb – September)
The EU Commission informs on the evaluation results in February the following year; if the proposal is granted, the EU-Team oversees the post-award process through the signature of the Grant Agreement (GA). Afterwards, the Human Resources Department manages the hiring process of successful candidates and provide support to the fellow with the logistics of his/her relocation to Oslo. The R&I support at the hosting faculty/center manages at local level the project implementation, securing compliance with the GA.
Guide for applicants
- HORIZON EUROPE - MSCA-PF - Work Programme 2023-2024 (PDF,
- MSCA-Postdoctoral Fellowship Handbook 2022 (PDF,