Women's Health - Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (MAJO4100)

Master's course
For exchange students

The focus of this digital course is human sexual and reproductive health and rights in a life cycle course perspective, founded on knowledge-based practice. Adolescents and young people’s sexual and reproductive health are emphasized, as an important part of health promoting practices to improve well-being and public health. Women's health and challenges related to reproduction is an important part of this course.

  • Admission requirements

    In order to join the course you have to be a licenced nurse and be must be admitted to a master's programme in midwifery.

  • How to apply

    International exchange students select courses when applying for exchange.

  • Course description

    Please note that this is an online course.

    You can find more information in the course plan MAJO4100 (student.oslomet.no).

  • Costs

    There is no semester fee for exchange students.

Questions about this course?

You can contact us by e-mail if you have questions about this course.