Interactive Information Retrieval (MBIB4600)

Master's course
For exchange students

This course on interactive information retrieval (IIR) focuses on users’ use and interaction with information systems and the users’ satisfaction with retrieved information. The course deals with central concepts and models as well as theoretical and methodological aspects of context-based evaluation of IIR. Emphasis is placed on the relations between users, information needs, information situations, relevance of retrieved information, and information seeking behaviour.

  • Admission requirements

    The target groups of this course are master's students of records management or students of library and information science, from our partner institutions.

    The course presupposes knowledge about information searching and metadata-based information systems at bachelor's level.

    An advanced level bachelor’s student of records management or library and information science can be admitted to the course if they are considered to have sufficient prior knowledge.

  • How to apply

    International exchange students select courses when applying for exchange.

    Application deadline: 1 October.

  • Content

    In particular, the course focuses on methods and study designs (methodology) for how to study users' system interaction, satisfaction with retrieved information and information seeking behaviour. In summary the course covers:

    • conceptions of information need and relevance, as well as models of information searching, information seeking, and information behaviour
    • (I)IR evaluation approaches
    • data collection methods and study design for (I)IR evaluation and user studies
  • Teaching methods

    The course consists of a combination of

    • lectures
    • dialogue-based teaching
    • group work
    • student presentations
  • Course description

    For more information about this course, take a look at the course description (

  • Costs

    There is no semester fee for exchange students.

  • Exam and assessment

    An empirical study based on the course and made individually or in small groups must be completed and approved before you can hand in the exam.

    The exam consists of:

    • a written term paper, reporting the empirical study
    • an oral exam on the basis of the term paper (empirical study) and the complete syllabus

Questions about this course?

Contact the administrative coordinator if you have questions about admission requirements and how to apply:

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Contact the teacher if you have questions about the content and teaching of this course:

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