Mechanical Engineering

Master's course
For exchange students

This programme is for you who want to deepen your knowledge in the fundamentals of solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and mechatronics with applications in green energy, design, robotics, offshore, and oil and gas. It consists of two semesters that can be taken individually or in consecutive semesters if you want to study at OsloMet for a whole year.

Admission requirements

You must be enrolled in a master’s programme in Engineering (Mechanical, Aeronautical, Aerospace, Civil, Mechatronics/Robotics or related fields).

How to apply

International exchange students select courses when applying for exchange.

The application deadline is 15 April for the autumn semester and 1 October for the spring semester.

Courses in the autumn semester

Computational Fluid Dynamics (MECH4301), 10 ECTS

This course covers some fundamental concepts of Computational Fluid Dynamics and their practical use in computer simulations. You will learn about the different challenges associated with compressible and incompressible flows, different grid structures and the numerical modelling of turbulence.

The theoretical understanding is put to practical use through programming exercises with computer tools such as OpenFoam. CFD allows optimization of design based on simulations, without having to prepare many prototypes. Thus, optimization can reduce environmental impact and improve energy efficiency.

Teaching methods

  • Lectures
  • Problem solving sessions
  • Computer laboratory sessions in
  • Applied CFD using high-level tools such as OpenFOAM
  • Scientific programming in a low-level language such as Python

Course description

For more information about this course, and the latest version of the course description, take a look at the course description for MECH4301  Computational Fluid Dynamics (

Exam and assessment

Individual oral examination.

Advanced Fluid Mechanics (MECH4302), 10 ECTS

Fluid-structure interactions (FSI) are critical considerations in the design and understanding of various systems mechanical engineers will work with, e.g., wind turbines, ship hulls, engines, or bridges.

The course will cover the fundamental theory of fluid-structure interactions including viscous flow, turbulent flow, flow separation, bluff-body aerodynamics, unsteady flow, time-frequency analysis and flow control techniques.

Teaching methods

Lectures and experimental laboratory exercises.

Course description

For more information about this course, and the latest version of the course description, take a look at the course description for MECH4302 Advanced Fluid Mechanics (

Exam and assessment

Individual oral examination.

Structural Integrity and impact (MECH4104), 10 ECTS

This course covers the fundamentals of structural impact and durability against fatigue and creep. Basic topics in fatigue analysis, including the S-N curve and Miner’s rule with special emphasis on isotropic homogeneous materials as metals and ceramics, are covered. 

The course then covers plasticity from the structural mechanics perspective and continues to derive analytical solutions for impact and pulse loaded beams, plates and shells using Drucker-Prager stability postulate and bound theorems of plasticity.

Use of Buckingham’s Pi-theorem is appreciated, which allows for reducing the number of parameters involved and opens the door on the exciting topic of dimensional analysis and theory of models. 

The course encompasses enough of the general theory as well as its specific applications to beams and plates to enable you to solve problems of interest in solid dynamics.

Teaching methods

Lectures, problem solving sessions, and computer laboratory tutorials (using ABAQUS).

Course description

For more information about this course, and the latest version of the course description, take a look at the course description for MECH4104 Structural Integrity and impact (

Exam and assessment

The exam consisting of two parts:

  • Part one: A project report on either a research project or solving an industrial problem in groups of 2-4 people, this report counts 80 percent of the final grade.
  • Part two: A group oral presentation, the presentation counts for 20 percent of the final grade.

Sustainable design and manufacturing of energy systems (MECH4105), 10 ECTS

A sustainable future in the industrial sector relies on designing and manufacturing components that use green/reusable materials and mitigate process material waste.

In this course, you learn about sustainable design and manufacturing principles, such as the reduction of materials and energy use, the life cycle assessment, and the circular economy related to the energy system. 

Furthermore, you will learn how to use Fusion 360 for computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing.

Teaching methods

Lectures, project work and group assignments. The class is divided into groups and the students are asked to perform critical analysis of the scientific papers and present the findings in the class.

Course description

For more information about this course, and the latest version of the course description, take a look at the course description for MECH4105 Sustainable design and manufacturing of energy systems (

Exam and assessment

The exam consists of two parts:

  • Part one: A project report in groups of 2-4 people
  • Part two: An individual oral presentation 

Additional courses in the autumn semester

You can also choose among the following courses, if their schedule does not collide with the other selected courses:

Advanced engineering mathematics (MECH4000), 10 ECTS

This course provides a selection of advanced topics in Mathematics, essential to studying continuum mechanics, finite element method, computational fluid mechanics, and mechatronics. 

These include matrix analysis, with focus on eigenvalue problems and positive definiteness, multiple, line and surface integrations and applications of Gauss and Stokes theorems, classification, and the solution of certain types of PDEs using methods such as Laplace and Fourier transforms, discretization of domains and equations, and variational calculus with applications.

The knowledge, methods, and associated problem-solving techniques are applicable in fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, and mechatronics, as ample exemplification will elucidate. Matrix analyses, partial differential equation (PDE) solving methods, and variational calculus are covered topics.

You will learn about the formulation and implementation in code for the finite element and finite volume methods used in solid and fluid mechanics, respectively. It is expected that you will be able to develop and implement solution algorithms in Python.

Teaching methods

Lectures and tutorials including problem solving and the use of Python coding to solving relevant mathematical problems.

Course description

For more information about this course, and the latest version of the course description, take a look at the course description for MECH4000 Advanced engineering mathematics (

Exam and assessment

Written 6-hour exam under supervision.

Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics (MECH4101), 10 ECTS

This course covers the fundamentals of continuum mechanics and thermodynamics. Focus is on solid mechanics of deformable bodies treated as continuous distribution of matter disregarding their molecular structure and is intended to be a comprehensive treatment of the subject at an intermediate level.

While mathematicians deal with geometric continuum mechanics using differential geometry and Lie derivatives and engineers study it using traditional strength of material approach, the course here is an in-between approach, covering enough of the general theory to be able to solve problems of interest in solid mechanics.

Teaching methods

Lectures and tutorials.

Course description

For more information about this course, and the latest version of the course description, take a look at the course description for MECH4101 Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics (

Exam and assessment

Written 3-hour exam under supervision.

Introduction to Mechatronics (MECH4201), 10 ECTS

This course introduces the field of mechatronics, the intersection of mechanics and electronics. The course brings together control systems, electronic systems, mechanical systems, and computer science. Example applications are taken from different industries, with particular focus on systems in which all of these disciplines closely interact.

You will learn how contemporary challenges, such as climate crises, cybersecurity, demographic changes and others may affect their design choices. 

You will also learn how mechatronics can contribute to more sustainable production processes by reducing energy consumption and improving productivity, as well as making industrial processes safer.

This course takes a hands-on approach with extensive laboratory work, where you will also learn about research ethics and academic writing.

Teaching methods

Theory lectures and laboratory work.

Course description

For more information about this course, and the latest version of the course description, take a look at the course description for MECH4201 Introduction to Mechatronics (

Exam and assessment

The exam consist of three parts, both parts must be passed:

  1. Four individual laboratory reports
  2. Individual essay including a literature review and plans for a research project
  3. Oral examination

Courses in the spring semester

Advanced Materials (MECH4102), 10 ECTS

This course introduces the field of mechatronics, the intersection of mechanics and electronics. 

The course brings together control systems, electronic systems, mechanical systems, and computer science. Example applications are taken from different industries, with particular focus on systems in which all of these disciplines closely interact.

You will learn how contemporary challenges, such as climate crises, cybersecurity, demographic changes and others may affect their design choices. 

You will also learn how mechatronics can contribute to more sustainable production processes by reducing energy consumption and improving productivity, as well as making industrial processes safer.

This course takes a hands-on approach with extensive laboratory work, where you will also learn about research ethics and academic writing.

Teaching Methods

Lectures and group laboratory exercises.

Course description

For more information about this course, and the latest version of the course description, take a look at the course description for MECH4102 Advanced materials (

Exam and assessment

The exam consisting of two parts:

  • Part one: A project report in groups of 2-4 people, this report counts 80 % of the final grade.
  • Part two: An individual oral presentation, the presentation counts for 20% of the final grade.

Finite element method (MECH4103), 10 ECTS

This course covers the fundamentals of the Finite Element method and moves on to include advanced topics on the subject. It focuses on displacement-based isoparametric formulation of elements for an arbitrary discretized geometries in n-dimensional space.

The course encompasses enough material for analysts and designers but also allows those keen on conducting research in the field to become aware of the methods and obstacles. 

As a numerical method, it may only be understood when it is used, therefore both Python coding and commercial software (ABAQUS) are treated as tools and several assignments, an individual project, and a group project are defined to ensure the knowledge learnt may be put into practice.

Teaching methods

Physical classroom lectures, individual exercises, and tutorials. Problem solving sessions with guided questions ranked from simple to difficult. 

Peer-learning though group formation and allowing students to learn from each other while doing the project related tasks.

Course description

For more information about this course, and the latest version of the course description, take a look at the course description for MECH4103 Finite element method (

Exam and assessment

The exam consists of two parts: One individual and one group project.

  • Part one: Individual project report, which counts 40 percent of the final grade.
    Individual project includes developing a Python code for a medium sized structural system and solving for the response.
  • Part two: Group project report, 3-5 students per group, which counts 60 percent of the final grade. The project includes simulating a sophisticated system subjected to static, dynamic, or thermal loads using the commercial software ABAQUS and interpreting the results.

Practical Mechatronics (MECH4202), 10 ECTS

In this course you will apply knowledge you acquired from the course "Introduction to Mechatronics" to engage in a hands-on, practical project. The focus will be on developing and testing a mechatronics system/device prototype.

The project encompasses a comprehensive range of elements of the mechatronics system, including elements of mechanical and electronic design, sensor and actuator, signal processing, communication, control system, modelling and simulation, and considerations for safety and ethics.

This course aims to provide you with a practical and holistic understanding of mechatronics technology by exploring its diverse applications in real-world scenarios.

Teaching methods

Theory lectures, tutorials, practical training, and project work in groups. 

You work in a group of 3-5 people on a given project scenario while attending theoretical lectures on relevant specialized subjects. 

The course gives practical guidance on how to apply fundamental concepts of mechatronics through lectures on the underlying theoretical aspects, in combination with exercises.

Course description

For more information about this course, and the latest version of the course description, take a look at the course description for MECH4202 Practical Mechatronics (

Exam and assessment

The exam consist of two parts:

  1. Group project report in the form of an academic paper, 2-5 students per group , counting 50 percent. The report must follow the guidelines and template of the IEEE conference proceedings template.
  2. A final presentation that is divided in two parts: The project practical demonstration and individual presentation account for 50 percent of the course, 1. where the group presentation is 30 % 2. the individual presentation is 20 percent.


Master's thesis (MECH5900), 30 ECTS

The master's thesis is an independent research project where you employ the knowledge, skills, and competence you have acquired during the study program.

You will have access to advanced simulation software, programming software and laboratory to perform analyses and to conduct experiments.

You must choose a topic that will be highlighted through systematic use of qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies. The research question can be of either theoretical or empirical nature.

Teaching methods

The master’s thesis is an independent research project with supervision. 

The students will be offered a minimum of 30 hours of individual supervision. This supervision helps students to acquire the necessary knowledge and assures the quality of the collection and processing of data and their compliance with research ethics.

Course description

For more information about this course, and the latest version of the course description, take a look at the course description for MECH5900 Master thesis (

Exam and assessment

The scope of a master's thesis is normally 30-80 pages. This report counts 70 percent of the final grade.

The scope is discussed and agreed in more detail with the supervisor.

Individual oral presentations will be given during the defense of the thesis. This will be followed by an oral examination with examiners. This presentation counts for 30 percent of the final grade.


There is no semester fee for exchange students.

Questions about these courses?

If you have questions about these courses, please contact:
Programme Coordinator:

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International academic coordinator:

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