Norwegian version

Subject librarians

NB! There will be changes to how we offer teaching of information literacy for students. More information will be provided in August. In the meantime, contact the subject librarians.

Subject librarians can assist with

See also our pages with resources for each department (in Norwegian), where the subject librarian presents sources of literature and sites that are of particular interest within the department disciplines.

  • Faculty of Health Sciences (HV)

    Department of Nursing and Health Promotion (SHA), Pilestredet:

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    Research support Pilestredet:

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    Research support Kjeller:

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    Department of Rehabilitation Science and Health Technology (RHT), Pilestredet:

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    Department of Life Sciences and Health (NHV), Pilestredet:

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    Department of Behavioural Sciences (AV), Kjeller:

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  • Faculty of Education and International Studies (LUI)

    Department of Early Childhood Education (BLU), Pilestredet:

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    Department of International Studies and Interpreting (IST), Pilestredet:

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    Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education (GFU), Pilestredet:

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    Department of Vocational Teacher Education (YLU), Kjeller:

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    Research support Kjeller:

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    PhD support for Educational Sciences for Teacher Education:

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  • Faculty of Social Sciences (SAM)

    Department of Archivistics, Library and Information Science (ABI), Pilestredet:

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    PhD support for ABI:

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    Department of Journalism and Media Studies (JM), Pilestredet:

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    Oslo Business School, Pilestredet:

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    Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy (SF), Pilestredet:

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    PhD support for SF:

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  • Faculty of Technology, Art and Design (TKD)

    Department of Art, Design and Drama (EST), Pilestredet:

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    Department of Built Environment (BE), Pilestredet:

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    Department of Computer Science (IT), Pilestredet:

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    Department of Mechanical, Electronic and Chemical Engineering (MEK), Pilestredet:

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    Department of Product Design (PD), Kjeller:

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  • Centres and research institutes

    Centre for the Study of Professions (SPS), Pilestredet:

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    Consumption Research Norway (SIFO), Pilestredet:

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    Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR), Pilestredet:

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    Norwegian Social Research (NOVA), Pilestredet:

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    Work Research Institute (AFI), Pilestredet:

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Published: 18/11/2019 | University Library