English version
Anders Kjelsrud

Anders Kjelsrud

Kort om

Det meste av min forskning er empirisk og innenfor utviklingsøkonomi. For pågående forskningsprosjekter, se min personlige nettside sites.google.com/site/anderskjelsrud

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Kotsadam, Andreas ; Kjelsrud, Anders (2023). Female employment and voter turnout - Evidence from India. 5 s. Journal of Politics. Vol. 85.

Kjelsrud, Anders ; Kotsadam, Andreas ; Røgeberg, Ole (2023). Cooperative Property Rights and Development: Evidence from Land Reform in El Salvador: A Comment. Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 131.

Barth, Erling; Finseraas, Henning; Kjelsrud, Anders ; Moene, Karl Ove (Kalle) (2023). Openness and the welfare state: risk and income effects in protection without protectionism. 15 s. European Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 79.

Barth, Erling; Finseraas, Henning; Kjelsrud, Anders ; Moene, Karl Ove (2022). Hit by the Silk Road: how wage coordination in Europe mitigates the China shock. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Kjelsrud, Anders ; Mitra, Shabana; Moene, Karl Ove (2022). Wheels of Power: Can Free Bicycles for Schoolgirls Free Their Mothers?. 34 s. Economic development and cultural change. Vol. 72.

Kjelsrud, Anders (2022). To adjust or not to adjust? Spatial price variation and the measurement of poverty*. 23 s. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. Vol. 124.

Kjelsrud, Anders Grøn ; Vikan Sjurgard, Kristin (2022). Public Work and Private Violence. 16 s. Journal of Development Studies. Vol. 58.

Bhattacharya, Debopam; Kjelsrud, Anders Grøn ; Somanathan, Rohini (2021). Estimating the Welfare Gains from Public Schools in Rural India. Sankhya B, The Indian Journal of Statistics. Vol. 83-B.

Almås, Ingvild; Kjelsrud, Anders Grøn ; Somanathan, Rohini (2019). A Behavior-Based Approach to the Estimation of Poverty in India. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. Vol. 121.

Kjelsrud, Anders Grøn ; Somanathan, Rohini (2017). Poverty Targeting through Public Goods. Banerjee, Abhijit Vinayak; Bardhan, Pranab; Somanathan, Rohini; Srinivasan, T.N. (Red.). Poverty and Income Distribution in India. s. 549-566. Juggernaut.

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