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Carl-Emil Marstrander Askildsen

Carl-Emil Marstrander Askildsen

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Askildsen, Carl-Emil Marstrander ; Aggerholm, Kenneth; Løndal, Knut (2024). Discontinuity, risk, patience, and appeal: existential aspects of practising in physical education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.

Askildsen, Carl-Emil Marstrander ; Aggerholm, Kenneth (2023). Practising in physical education: a phenomenologically grounded study of student experiences. 15 s. Sport, Education and Society.

Askildsen, Carl-Emil Marstrander ; Løndal, Knut (2023). Practising in physical education: A study of a teacher's experiences and role enactment. European Physical Education Review.

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