Kort om
Spesialiserer seg på problemstillinger knyttet til ansvarlig kunnskapsbasert beslutningstaking med fokus på risiko og sikkerhet ved medisiner og ny bioteknologi, både fra et praktisk, metodisk og filosofisk perspektiv. Jobber tverrfaglig mellom vitenskapelig bevis, praksis og filosofi. Forskning inkluderer årsaksvurdering i legemiddelsikkerhet, klinisk resonnement, analyse av ekspertens uenighet.
Kausalitet, kompleksitet og evidens i pharmacovigilance
Å oppdage ukjende biverknader av marknadsførte legemiddel er utfordrande og krev forbetra metodar for å vurdere årsakssamanheng, og dessutan betre klinisk evidensgrunnlag.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Anjum, Rani Lill; Price, Christine;
Rocca, Elena
When Patient Voices Get Lost in Evidence Hierarchies: A Testimony of Rare Adverse Events and Participatory Epistemic Injustice in Drug Safety Monitoring.
Social Epistemology.
Leblanc, Marissa Erin; Williamson, Jon; De Pretis, Francesco; Landes, Jurgen;
Rocca, Elena
Individual consent in cluster randomised trials for non-pharmaceutical interventions: going beyond the Ottawa statement.
9 s.
Critical Public Health.
Vol. 34.
Anjum, Rani Lill;
Rocca, Elena
A Dispositional Account of Causation: Implications for the Biological Sciences.
Yafeng, Shan; Shan, Yafeng (Red.).
Alternative Approaches to Causation: Beyond Difference-Making and Mechanism. s. 95-121.
Oxford University Press.
Anjum, Rani Lill; Chandler, Rebecca;
Rocca, Elena
Dispositions and Causality Assessment in Pharmacovigilance: Proposing the Dx3 Approach for Assessing Causality with Small Data Sets.
8 s.
Pharmaceutical Medicine.
Vol. 36.
Pérez-González, Saul;
Rocca, Elena
Evidence of Biological Mechanisms and Health Predictions: An Insight into Clinical Reasoning.
16 s.
Perspectives in biology and medicine.
Vol. 65.
Rocca, Elena
; Grundmark, Birgitta
Monitoring the Safety of Medicines and Vaccines in Times of Pandemic: Practical, Conceptual, and Ethical Challenges in Pharmacovigilance.
19 s.
Vol. 7.
Rocca, Elena
; Gauffin, Oskar; Savage, Ruth; Vidlin, Sara Hedfors; Grundmark, Birgitta
Remdesivir in the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Spontaneous Reports in VigiBase During 2020.
Drug Safety.
Vol. 44.
Anjum, Rani Lill; Copeland, Samantha Marie;
Rocca, Elena
Introduction: Why Is Philosophy Relevant for Clinical Practice?.
Anjum, Rani Lill; Copeland, Samantha Marie; Rocca, Elena (Red.).
Rethinking Causality, Complexity and Evidence for the Unique Patient. A CauseHealth Resource for Healthcare Professionals and the Clinical Encounter. s. 3-11.
Springer Nature.
Rocca, Elena
; Anjum, Rani Lill; Mumford, Stephen D
Causal Insights from Failure: Post-Marketing Risk Assessment of Drugs as a Way to Uncover Causal Mechanisms.
LaCaze, Adam; Osimani, Barbara (Red.).
Uncertainty in Pharmacology. Epistemology, Methods and Decisions.. s. 39-57.
Anjum, Rani Lill; Copeland, Samantha Marie;
Rocca, Elena
Rethinking Causality, Complexity and Evidence for the Unique Patient. A CauseHealth Resource for Healthcare Professionals and the Clinical Encounter.
ISBN: 978-3-030-41239-5.
241 s.
Springer Nature.