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Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Murano, Pietro ; Kongshaug, Petter (2024). The Usability of Persistent and Non-Persistent Headers on Web Pages. Filipe, Joaquim; Smiałek, Michał; Brodsky, Alexander; Hammoudi, Slimane (Red.). Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. s. 348-357. SciTePress.
Murano, Pietro
; Munir, Mubashar
The Usability of Hidden Functional Elements in Mobile User Interfaces.
Brodsky, Alexander (Red.).
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. s. 256-263.
Aljasim, Alyaa; Murano, Pietro (2023). Designing User Interface Toggles for Usability. Journal of Usability Studies. Vol. 18.
Szentirmai, Attila Bekkvik;
Murano, Pietro
New Universal Design Heuristics for Mobile Augmented Reality Applications.
Gao, Qin; Zhou, Jia; Duffy, Vincent G.; Antona, Margherita; Stephanidis, Constantine (Red.).
HCI International 2023 – Late Breaking Papers
25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
HCII 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23–28, 2023
Proceedings, Part II
Springer LNCS 14055. s. 404-418.
Springer .
Keya, Rashika Tasnim;
Murano, Pietro
Is carousel interaction really usable?.
First Monday.
Vol. 27.
Shrestha, Sayush Lal;
Murano, Pietro
The Design and Evaluation of an Online Dictionary User Interface.
10 s.
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems.
Vol. 11.
Chaudhary, Karan Singh;
Murano, Pietro
The Design and Evaluation of a New Smartwatch
User Interface.
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM).
Vol. 15.
Murano, Pietro
; Sharma, Sushil
A Usability Evaluation of Web User Interface Scrolling Types.
17 s.
First Monday.
Vol. 25.
Awale, Bikram;
Murano, Pietro
A Preliminary Usability and Universal Design Evaluation of a Television App User Interface.
11 s.
Baltic Journal of Modern Computing.
Vol. 8.
Suru, Hassan Umar;
Murano, Pietro
Security and User Interface Usability of Graphical Authentication Systems – A Review.
20 s.
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology.
Vol. 67.