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Sverre Søyland Ubisch

Sverre Søyland Ubisch

Kort om

- Økonomi- og virksomhetsstyring for fakultetet med institutter

- Forskningsadministrasjon. Kontaktperson for Handelshøyskolen HiOA.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Ubisch, Sverre Søyland ; Wang, Pengfei (2023). Innovation on technological “islands”: domain contrast, boundary spanning, knowledge depth and breadth. 22 s. Industrial and Corporate Change. Vol. 32.

Ubisch, Sverre Søyland ; Wang, Pengfei (2022). Typical Products for Outside Audiences: The Role of Typicality When Products Traverse Countries. 47 s. Strategic Organization.

Ubisch, Sverre Søyland (2019). Spanning Crisp Categories: Primary Category, Complementary Category, and Their Contrasts. Academy of Management Proceedings.

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