A/Prof Antonio Padilha L Bo received his BEng and MSc degrees from the University of Brasilia, in 2004 and 2007, respectively, and his PhD degree from the University of Montpellier, in 2011. After eight years as an Assistant Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Brasilia, in 2019 he moved to the University of Queensland as a Research Fellow in Biomedical Engineering. He is currently Associate Professor in Mechatronics at the Oslo Metropolitan University.
In recent years, he was involved in different research projects in which there was a close collaboration between engineers and clinicians, particularly projects involving individuals with motor disabilities due to spinal cord injury and Parkinson’s Disease. For instance, he coordinated Project EMA (Empowering Mobility and Autonomy), one of the teams that participated in the Cybathlon competition in 2016 and 2020. His research is often based on developing a human-machine system (e.g. using robotics, functional electrical stimulation, virtual reality and wearable systems) and a proof-of-concept study of the corresponding technology in real settings. While the main application area is rehabilitation and assistance, other areas in healthcare and general industry may provide the fundamental motivation.
A/Prof Antonio Padilha L Bo is an IEEE Senior Member. He is also an Associate Editor at the IEEE Transactions of Medical Robotics and Bionics and has co-authored over 90 peer-reviewed publications, including awards from societies such as IFAC, IFESS, and MICCAI, and filed 2 patents.