I am a PhD research fellow at the Center for the Study of Professions (SPS) at OsloMet, where I conduct research on assessment in higher education. I am also employed at the Norwegian Police University College (NPUC), where I work with education and reserach. My educational background is in policing (bachelor's degree) and pedagogy (master's degree). I am a member of the research group on Professional Knowledge and Qualification.
In my PhD project, I investigate the complex and multidimensional phenomenon of 'evaluative judgements' in the context of internal and external examiners' assessments of bachelor theses at NPUC. The project uses a combination of methods, including observational data from real time moderation (co-grading) meetings. The goal is to better understand the processes underlying grading decisions and how these are shaped and enacted in moderation settings. Although moderation aims to ensure consistency and fairness in assessments, these processes remain hidden, as reaching agreement on grades reveals little about how those decisions were made. Grades hold significant importance for both students and society, as they often determine priorities in education and employment opportunities.
Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Sætre, Christine
Behind the grades: co-constructing fairness to reach agreement in evaluative judgement.
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.
Sætre, Christine ; Sunde, Nina (2024). Analyse av argumenter. Et logisk analyseperspektiv. Sunde, Nina; Sætre, Christine (Ed.). Analyse i etterforskning. p. 90-110. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Sunde, Nina; Sætre, Christine (2024). Spordrevne og hypotesedrevne undersøkelsesprosesser. Sunde, Nina; Sætre, Christine (Ed.). Analyse i etterforskning. p. 37-58. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Sunde, Nina; Sætre, Christine (2024). Analyse i etterforskning. ISBN: 9788205603219. 342 p. Gyldendal Akademisk.