Norwegian version
Gavin McCrory

Gavin McCrory


Gavin McCrory is a doctor of philosophy in the field of sustainability transitions and transformations. His research interests concern the governance of social change as multi-stakeholder learning processes. In particular, he is fascinated with how such processes are co-framed and co-designed, as well as how they unfold over space and time.

In addition, Gavin actively questions how dominant knowledge systems produce unsustainability, and explores novel forms of knowledge that may be required for deep, structural transformations to sustainability. His training bridges theory and practice, as well as education and research, and is supported by fields such as geography, futures studies, learning sciences and sustainability science.

Research projects

  • CIRCULAR: Collaborative innovation of circular economy

    Transforming the economic system from a linear to a circular economy is critical for realising a sustainable society. Circular-project asks: What are the main governance factors driving the co-creation of an innovative circular economy for reduced consumption?