Norwegian version

Housing, Place and Regional Studies

This research group is a department of the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR). The group is studying various aspects of the local and regional community, including the importance of innovation and policy measures.

We haveĀ five key research areas that are often integrated into our social analysis:

Head of research group

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  • More about the research

    Research on regional development and regional policy at the macro level is based on economic, demographic and socio-economic analyses. We highlight the relationship between different regions and different urban and rural regions.

    Research on meso and micro level are mainly aimed at specific communities or functional regions and the development process. In these types of projects, it is common with a combination of qualitative methods and approaches and statistical register and survey data.

    Location analyses for smaller and medium-sized municipalities are also holistic and complex in their themes. The method sociocultural place analyses is used within strategic urban and local development, where different beliefs about the place and its future development direction and different interests meet.

    Another type of place analyses related to the area lift in big cities or city suburbs. Knowledge production will be used in policy formulation, development and strategic planning to make places and regions functional and attractive for people and businesses.

    Analysis of industry's structure and growth potential include societal contexts and conditions, whether locally in a municipality or in a region.

    Research on housing policy and housing market highlights the demand and supply, housing, housing stock, population base and housing preferences. Settlement system design and change are linked to demographic data and data on population movement and migration.

  • Recent fields of study

    • functional regions and the interaction between the city and surrounding areas
    • development dynamics and conditions for robust and attractive regions
    • location analyses of local communities and area development
    • housing development, municipal cooperation and strategic planning in different types of regions
    • housing market, instruments and distributional
    • demographic trends, resettlement and relocation
    • industry and social analysis in the light of regional development strategies
    • regional economic model development
    • local and regional identity and belonging in municipalities and functional regions
    • projections of the need for the provision of services in a region
    • employment growth / decline industries, settlements and labour