Fields of study
Subject areas
Buddhism Professional Ethics Intercultural communication Multicultural Identity Bible-knowledge Christian heritage Comparative Religion Shintoism
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Hoaas, Geir
Secular Students in a Religious Environment. Oslo-students on internship in Africa.
Journal of the European Teacher Education Network (JETEN).
Vol. 11.
Hoaas, Geir
Religion, Worldview, and Values in an International Class.
14 p.
Journal of the European Teacher Education Network (JETEN).
Vol. 10.
Hoaas, Geir (2014). Study- and Practice-period in Africa, for students of Early Childhood Education at Oslo and Akershus University College. NERA Journal. A Journal for the Namibian Educational Research Association. Vol. 12.
Hoaas, Geir
“It Gave Me a New Insight!” Some Perspectives from Students in an International Course.
Universal Journal of Educational Research.
Vol. 2.
Hoaas, Geir (2006). Praksis i Namibia og Ghana. Barnehagefolk.
Hoaas, Geir (2006). Den sammensatte identitetsfølelsen: unge nordmenn med utenlandsoppvekst. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 17.
Eide, Brit Johanne; Hoaas, Geir (2005). Dagens japanske barenhager/daghjem - sett gjennom våre briller. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift.
Hoaas, Geir (1997). Passion and Compassion of God in the Old Testament. A Theological Survey of Hos 11,8-9; Jer 31,29, and Isa 63,9+15. Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament. Vol. 11.