Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Haugli, Ketil Hegerstrøm
; Alkarra, Dimitri; Samuelsen, Jan Tore
Digital manufacturing techniques and the in vitro biocompatibility of acrylic-based occlusal device materials.
Clinical Oral Investigations.
Vol. 28.
Øilo, Marit;
Haugli, Ketil
; Rønold, Hans Jacob; Ulsund, Amanda H.; Ruud, Amund; Kvam, Ketil
Pre-cementation procedures’ effect on dental zirconias with different yttria content.
11 p.
Dental Materials.
Vol. 37.
Haugen, Hilde Kjærnet ; Myhrer, Trude ; Haugli, Ketil Hegerstrøm ; El-Homsi, Fadi (2020). Utviklingen av tannteknisk produksjon i Norge. Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende. Vol. 2020: 130.
Haugli, Ketil Hegerstrøm
; Syverud, Morten; Samuelsen, Jan Tore
Ion release from three different dental alloys – effect of dynamic loading and toxicity of released elements.
Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry.
Vol. 7.
Haugen, Hilde Kjærnet
Haugli, Ketil Hegerstrøm
Betydningen av ekstern praksis i tannteknikerstudiet.
Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training.
Vol. 6.