Norwegian version
Tina Gerdts-Andresen

Tina Gerdts-Andresen


Gerdts-Andresen has a combined Law and Child Welfare education, with a Master of Health and Social Work with Children and Youth, and continued education in e.g. child welfare services, child welfare in a minority perspective, psychosocial work with children and youth, and communication.

She has several years of professional work experience from Child Welfare Services and has also worked as a senior advisor at the County Governors office, department of Child Welfare.

Scientific publications

Hansen, Heidi Aarum; Westerhof, Luuk Luitsen; Gerdts-Andresen, Tina (2024). From frozen words to dialogue: turning around involuntary relationships in social work practice. Nordic Social Work Research.

Hansen, Heidi Aarum; Westerhof, Luuk Luitsen; Gerdts-Andresen, Tina (2024). From frozen words to dialogue: turning around involuntary relationships in social work practice. Nordic Social Work Research.

Gerdts-Andresen, Tina ; Andersen, Marie Valen-Sendstad; Hansen, Heidi Aarum (2024). The child's right to family life when living in public care: how to facilitate contact that preserves, strengthens, and develops family ties. Children and Youth Services Review. Vol. 159.

Hansen, Heidi Aarum; Gerdts-Andresen, Tina (2023). How children’s navigation on digital platforms challenges child welfare assessments. Nordic Journal of Social Research. Vol. 14.

Hansen, Heidi Aarum; Gerdts-Andresen, Tina (2023). Barns rett til medvirkning. Betydningen av barns medvirkning i Barneverns- og helsenemndas beslutningsprosess, når sak om omsorgsovertakelse behandles. Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern. Vol. 100.

Vassend, Eva Lill Fossli; Gerdts-Andresen, Tina (2023). Forholdet mellom skjult adresse, samvær og annen kontaktetablering for barn i offentlig omsorg: Barnevernsnemndas begrunnelser og mulige implikasjoner. Tidsskrift for familierett, arverett og barnevernrettslige spørsmål. Vol. 21.

Gerdts-Andresen, Tina ; Hansen, Mette Tindvik; Grøndahl, Vigdis Abrahamsen (2022). Educational effectiveness: Validation of an instrument to measure students critical thinking and disposition. 15 p. International Journal of Instruction. Vol. 15.

Gerdts-Andresen, Tina ; Glømmen, Anne Margrethe; Hjelmeland, Inger; Haug, Erna; Grønlien, Heidi Kristine (2022). Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of an Instrument to Assess Self-Efficacy in Client-Centeredness (SECCQ). 11 p. Journal of Social Work Education.

Gerdts-Andresen, Tina (2021). Circle of Security-Parenting: A Systematic Review of Effectiveness When Using the Parent Training Programme with Multi-Problem Families. 25 p. Nordic Journal of Social Research. Vol. 12.

Gerdts-Andresen, Tina ; Hansen, Heidi Aarum (2021). How the Child’s Views is Weighted in Care Order Proceedings. Children and Youth Services Review. Vol. 129.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete