Norwegian version

The Doctoral Committee at the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design

The Doctoral Committee is tasked with developing the faculty’s researcher education.

The committee

The doctoral committee's tasks

The dean has assigned decision-making authority to the committee in matters relating to

The committee will provide input and advice to the dean in matters relating to


The faculty’s doctoral committee comprises of:

Chair of the committee

Teaching and research staff representatives

Representatives for the research fellows

External academic representative

Administrative staff representative


Meeting dates, minutes, case documents and deadlines

See meeting dates, meeting minutes and case documents in OpenGov (

The deadline for submitting cases is always 14 days before the actual meeting date.

Committee secretariat

The faculty's R&D administration is the committee’s secretariat and will, in cooperation with the vice dean for R&D, prepare and provide advice in cases presented to the committee.

The dean will supplement the committee’s expertise during the period as needed.

Committee secretary

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