Norwegian version

ADvanced hEalth intelligence and brain-insPired Technologies (ADEPT)

The research group use brain technologies that can contribute to a better health, while through the process the group is able to develop new and advanced brain-inspired technologies.

Our research is directly connected to industrial applications and aims to develop new technologies contributing to better health. 

At the same time, based on that knowledge, we would like to create new technologies within the RRI requirements.

We use machine learning and artificial intelligence methods to analyse our data. 

Hopefully, the results of our research will contribute to development of innovative methods for the future advanced robotics and AI-technologies.

Our research focus with respect to brain activities is categorized into two main activities, which further is divided into three subgroups: 

Brain Health:

Brain-Inspired technologies:

Head of research group

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  • Members

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  • More about the research group

    ADEPT is a cross-disciplinary research group consisting of members from the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, The Faculty of Health Sciences, The Work Research Institute and The Simula Garage. In addition, the group has members from national and international companies and institutions. 

    We will expand our ongoing research projects through the ADEPT partnership at national and international levels to build multiple innovative projects involving PhD and master’s programmes at Faculty Technology, Art and Design, Faculty of Health Sciences, Work Research institute and The Simula Garage, and, in addition, national and international industrial and academic partners. 

    We offer projects to students at Bsc, MSc and PhD levels. Currently, ADEPT researchers are supervising several students.

    For more information, please visit our ADEPT website ( and also our ADEPT Twitter account (

    Research infrastructure

    The ADEPT researchers have access to modern and well-equipped research laboratories:

    Optical/NIRS lab (OsloMet) is equipped with

    • fNIRS/EEG hybrid equipment (NIRx and g.Tec)
    • Our own developed fNIRS devices
    • Optical spectroscopy instruments (Avantes, Ocean Optics)
    • Light sources and lasers
    • Fiber optical connections
    • Optical filter

    Motion analysis lab (Gaitline AS) is equipped with

    • Motion capture equipment
    • Biomechanical motion analysis
    • Laser alignment system

    Testbed lab (OsloMet) is equipped with

    • Laser doppler flowmetry both low and high intensity (Moor instruments)
    • PtO2 sensors
    • PtCO2 sensors
    • Respirators
    • ECG (12 leads)
    • Respiration and temperature sensors
    • Impedance spectroscopy equipment

    Chemical lab (OsloMet) is equipped with

    • Mass-spectroscopy
    • Gas and liquid Chromatographs
    • Electrophoresis
    • PCR-instruments
    • Spectro-photometrical instruments
  • Projects

    Some selected projects:

    • Use of 3D printers in future rehabilitation with knowledge-based and patient-centred solutions.  2023 - 2025
    • Patient-Centric Engineering in Rehabilitation (PACER), completed December 2021
    • Brain activity monitoring and evaluation during different balancing conditions using hybrid EEG-fNIRS signals
    • Future running shoes (IP-N project at RCN in collaboration with Gaitline AS)
    • Photonics and nanomaterials Promoting patient safety by a novel combination of imaging technologies for biodegradable magnesium implants (MgSafe, MSCA-ITN Horizon 2020)
    • A robust, scalable, and flexible cognitive robotics platform (RoBUTCHER, Horizon 2020)
  • Publications

    Publications will be available in Cristin.