Norwegian version

Professions and Professional Ethics in Early Childhood Care (ProfEt)

This research group studies early childhood care (ECE) from the perspective of studies on profession and professional ethics. The group is cross-disciplinary and gathers researchers and teachers from religion, philosophy, sociology, and pedagogy.

In the recent years, ECE in Norway have gone through significant changes at the political, organisational/institutional, and vocational level. This group attempts to understand the transformation of the kindergarten and its impact for the teachers, pedagogues, and children from mainly two perspectives, studies of professions and professional ethics.

To a certain extent, it combines both a descriptive approach, the historical development and political administration of the kindergarten. And a normative approach, a critical examination of this development and governance.

The group belongs to the Faculty of Education and International Studies.

Head of research group

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  • More about the research

    Key research questions for the group include amongst others:

    • What are the criteria and conditions that define the pre-school teachers and pedagogical teachers as professions?
    • How does the political governance affect these groups professionally?
    • What ramifications does governance have on professional autonomy?
    • What qualifications and expectations are required for/imposed on pre-school teachers and pedagogical teachers?
    • What signifies the historical development of ECE? What developments can be anticipate?
    • What are the professional ethical actions implications of prescriptive guidelines from state and local municipal authority?
    • How to develop a professional ethics for pre-school teachers and pedagogical teachers?

    The group intends to examine these questions from cross-disciplinary perspective that combines a diversity of methods and theoretical approaches. It lays to ground a dynamic understanding of ECE, professions and professional ethics.