Norwegian version
Upper secondary school pupils walking in hall at school

Information for pupils participating in Young in Oslo 2023

You are invited to participate in a survey about what it's like to grow up in Oslo. The survey will provide important knowledge in a time of great change in society. The survey is conducted by the research institute NOVA, which is part of OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University.

Information for parents/guardians about Young in Norway 2023.

You will shortly receive an invitation to participate in Young in Oslo 2023 – a survey about what it's like to grow up in Oslo. The survey is sent to pupils from year five to the third year of upper secondary school who are under the age of 20.

The survey is carried out at the school, and we hope that you would like to participate as it’s a good opportunity for you and all other young people in Oslo to tell politicians, researchers and others what it's like to be young today. 

Why are we asking you?

What will we ask about?

How is the survey conducted?

What will the survey be used for?

Data protection

For pupils in upper secondary school

Your choice

Someone to talk to after the survey

Who is behind the survey?

We hope you will take part in Young in Oslo 2023!