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Olav Lysne

Olav Lysne



Informatikk   Kommunikasjon   Distribuerte systemer   Feiltoleranse   Formelle metoder   Kommunikasjonssystemer   Ruting   Sammenkoblingsteknologi

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Friis, Karsten; Lysne, Olav (2022). 5G-sikkerhet: Norge mellom stormaktene. Friis, Karsten; Bergsjø, Håkon (Red.). Digitalisering og internasjonal politikk. s. 147-169. Universitetsforlaget.

Elmokashfi, Ahmed Mustafa Abdalla; Sundnes, Joakim; Kvalbein, Amund; Naumova, Valeriya; Reinemo, Sven-Arne; Florvaag, Per Magne; Stensland, Håkon Kvale; Lysne, Olav (2021). Nationwide rollout reveals efficacy of epidemic control through digital contact tracing. Nature Communications. Vol. 12.

Friis, Karsten; Lysne, Olav (2021). Huawei, 5G and Security: Technological Limitations and Political Responses. 21 s. Development and Change. Vol. 52.

Lysne, Olav ; Elmokashfi, Ahmed; Gjesvik, Lars; Schia, Niels Nagelhus; Friis, Karsten (2019). Critical communication infrastructures and Huawei. 38 s. Social Science Research Network (SSRN).

Lysne, Olav (2018). The Huawei and Snowden Questions. ISBN: 978-3-319-74949-5. 130 s. Springer Nature.

Lysne, Olav ; Hole, Kjell Jørgen; Otterstad, Christian W.; Ytrehus, Øyvind; Aarseth, Raymond; Tellnes, Jørgen (2016). Vendor malware: detection limits and mitigation. Computer. Vol. 49.

Escudero-Sahuquillo, Jesús; Gran, Ernst Gunnar; García, Pedro; Flich, Jose; Skeie, Tor; Lysne, Olav ; Quiles, Francisco; Duato, Jose (2015). Efficient and Cost-Effective Hybrid Congestion Control for HPC Interconnection Networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Vol. 26.

Escudero-Sahuquillo, Jesús; Garcia, Pedro J.; Quiles, Francisco J.; Reinemo, Sve Arne; Skeie, Tor; Lysne, Olav ; Duato, José (2014). A new proposal to deal with congestion in InfiniBand-based fat-trees. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. Vol. 74.

Escudero-Sahuquillo, Jesús; García, Pedro; Quiles, F. J.; Reinemo, Sve Arne; Skeie, Tor; Lysne, Olav ; Duato, Jose (2013). A New Proposal to Deal with Congestion in InfiniBand-based Fat-Trees. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. Vol. 17.

Flich, Jose; Skeie, Tor; Mejìa, Andrès; Lysne, Olav ; Lopez, Pedro; Robles, Antonio; Duato, José; Koibuchi, Michihiro; Rokicki, Tomas; Sancho, José Carlos (2012). A Survey and Evaluation of Topology-Agnostic Deterministic Routing Algorithms. 21 s. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Vol. 23.

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