Kort om
Robert Buch is Professor of Organizational Psychology at Oslo Business School, OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University. He received his Ph.D. from BI Norwegian Business School. His research interests and teaching responsibilities include organizational behavior, leadership, and human resource management. Buch is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Human Resource Management Journal, and his work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Management Studies, The Leadership Quarterly, Human Resource Management, and International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert ; Campbell, K.; Glasø, Lars (2025). Is there an upside to leader narcissism?. Dynamic Relationships Management Journal.
Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert ; Campbell, W. Keith; Glasø, Lars (2025). Is there an upside to leader narcissism?. Dynamic Relationships Management Journal.
Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert ; Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (2025). Increased span of supervision: an obstacle for effective leadership style?. Dynamic Relationships Management Journal.
Kost, Dominique;
Kopperud, Karoline
Buch, Robert
; Kuvaas, Bård; Olsson, Ulf Henning
The competing influence of psychological job control on family-to-work conflict.
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
Vol. 96.
Marusa, Premru; Matej, Černe;
Buch, Robert
Where You Lead, I Will Follow: Leader–Member Exchange,Motivation to Lead and Employee Counterproductive Work Behavior.
Sage Open.
Vol. 13.
Kopperud, Karoline
Nerstad, Christina G. L.
Buch, Robert
Engaging the age-diverse workforce: the interplay between personal and contextual resources.
25 s.
Personnel Review.
Vol. 52.
Kopperud, Karoline
Buch, Robert
; Skogen, Christina
Work overload and leader–member exchange: The moderating role of psychological flexibility.
11 s.
Journal of General Management (JGM).
Vol. 46.
Thompson, Geir;
Buch, Robert
; Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe; Glasø, Lars
The impact of transformational leadership and interactional justice on follower performance and organizational commitment in a business context.
Journal of General Management (JGM).
Vol. 46.
Nerstad, Christina
Buch, Robert
; Dysvik, Anders; Säfvenbom, Reidar
Stability of Individuals’ Definitions of Success and the Influence of Perceived Motivational Climate: A Longitudinal Perspective.
Frontiers in Psychology.
Vol. 11.
Kuvaas, Bård;
Buch, Robert
; Dysvik, Anders
Individual Pay for Performance, Controlling Effects, and Intrinsic Motivation.
Motivation and Emotion.
Vol. 44.