Norwegian version
Britt-Evy Westergård

Britt-Evy Westergård


Professional background: Social educatior/Disability nurse, ped.sem, spes.ped., management, project manager, behavioral therapist, preventive and health promotion, sexual supervisor, Ph.D. from University in Edinburgh.

Workingfields: disabilities, developmental/intellectual disabilities, aging, mental illness, life-ending, life stories, person-centered service, empowerment, staff training, articles and books and with accessible text.

Part-time professor at institute for behavioral science and manager at Forskerforbundet at Oslomet.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Psychology   Other health sciences

Subject areas

Participatory Research   Service development   Developmental disabilities   personfocused practise   Life Story Work   Staff training   Environmental theraphy

Scientific publications

Westergård, Britt-Evy (2022). Livsfortellingsarbeid som grunnlag for personfokusert praksis. ISBN: 978-82-15-05316-5. 21 p. Universitetsforlaget.

Westergård, Britt-Evy (2021). Livsfortellinger. Å fortelle fra eget liv med hjelp fra en samtalevenn. ISBN: 978-82-15-02681-7. 218 p. Universitetsforlaget.

Chalachanova, Anna; Nind, Melanie; Østby, May; Power, Andrew; Tilley, Liz; Walmsley, Jan; Westergård, Britt-Evy ; Heia, Torill; Gerhardsen, Alf Magne; Oterhals, Ole Magnus; King, Matthew (2020). Building relationships in inclusive research in diverse contexts. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. Vol. 22.

Westergård, Britt-Evy (2016). Vennskap som ressurs og satsningsområde i tjenester til voksne og eldre med utviklingshemning :. 10 p. Psykologi i kommunen (PIK). Vol. 51.

Tuffrey-Wijne, Irene; McLaughlin, Dorry; Curfs, Leopold; Dusart, Anne; Hoenger, Catherine; McEnhill, Linda; Read, Sue; Ryan, Karen; Satgé, Daniel; Straßer, Benjamin; Westergård, Britt-Evy ; Oliver, David (2015). Defining consensus norms for palliative care of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe, using Delphi methods: A White Paper from the European Association of Palliative Care. Palliative Medicine.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete