Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina
Lunde, Gerd Hilde
Learning from coproducing digital courses in sexual health in higher education in Norway.
Learning Organization.
Lunde, Gerd Hilde
Blaalid, Laila
; Gerbild, Helle;
Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina
Assessment of the Psychometrics of the Students Attitudes towards Addressing Sexual Health Extended (SA-SH-Ext) Questionnaire for Social Educator Students.
9 p.
Sexual Medicine - Open Access.
Vol. 10.
Lunde, Gerd Hilde
Bakke, Anne
Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina
Piloting a Research-Oriented Teaching
Model in a Bachelor Program for Social
Educators – A Way to Increase Competence
in Research Methodology and Sexual Health?.
14 p.
Vol. 43.
Høium, Kari
; Klintwall, Lars;
Lunde, Gerd Hilde
The effects of reflective counseling on learning outcomes for undergraduate students in social education.
Vol. 38.