Norwegian version
Kristina Areskoug Josefsson

Kristina Areskoug Josefsson

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Physiotherapy   Health service and health administration research   Social work

Subject areas

Rehabilitation   Quality in health care   Hjemmebasert tjenenste   Sexual health   Communication   Quality Improvement   Higher-education pedagogy

Scientific publications

Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina ; Lunde, Gerd Hilde (2024). Learning from coproducing digital courses in sexual health in higher education in Norway. Learning Organization.

Haraldsson, Patrik; Nylander, Elisabeth; Jonker, Dirk; Ros, Axel; Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina (2024). Workplace interventions focusing on how to plan, organize and design the work environment in hospital settings: A systematic review. 17 p. Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation. Vol. 78.

Thunem, Ingrid; Chalachanova, Anna; Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina (2024). Personal Assistance Services and Sexual Health in Norway—a Cross-Sectional Study of Disabled People’s Experiences and Attitudes regarding Sexuality and Personal Assistants. 15 p. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. Vol. 26.

Solberg, Ada Marie Svarstad ; Valde, Embla; Helgeland, Kjersti; Johannessen, Lilja ; Gundersen, Malene Wøhlk ; Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina (2024). Promoting and Sustaining Sexual Health as a Health Resource in Prisons - A Scoping Review. Bergen Journal of Criminal Law & Criminal Justice (BJCLCJ).

Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina ; Lunde, Gerd Hilde (2024). Learning from coproducing digital courses in sexual health in higher education in Norway. Learning Organization.

Hegge, Birgit; Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina (2023). Ansattes erfaring med uttrykt seksualitet i bofellesskap for personer med utviklingshemming - et komplekst tema. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning. Vol. 9.

Pajalic, Zada ; Saplacan, Diana; Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina ; Moen, Helga Wallin; Naustdal, Iril; Rao, Nima ; Haj Yasein, Nadia; Kulla, Gunilla; Princeton, Daisy M ; Langhammer, Birgitta ; Tecirli, Gülcan; Kisa, Sezer (2023). What are the disadvantages of having a foreign background as a female academic and working at a university in Europe?. Social Sciences & Humanities Open. Vol. 8.

Gustavsson, Kristin; Gustafsson, Kristin; Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina ; Eriksson, Marit; Rolfson, Ola; Kvist, Joanna (2023). Perspectives on health care and self-management of osteoarthritis among patients who desire surgery: A qualitative interview study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice.

Hetland, Linda Petersen; Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina ; Straume, Connie; Biringer, Eva (2023). «That’s how the light gets in»: Studentenes evaluering av recoverykurs ved Jæren Recovery College. Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid. Vol. 20.

Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina (2023). Meeting The Demands Of PhD Supervision By Changing Supervision Practice: A Supervisor's Reflection On Didactic Change. Journal for New Generation Sciences (JNGS).

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete