Norwegian version
Hanne Maanum

Hanne Maanum


I work in the Erasmus+ team at the Section for Career Services, Internationalisation and Student Services. My tasks include managing and coordinating EU funds through the Erasmus+ programme, and I coordinate the administration of staff- and student mobility grants. I can contribute with advice and follow-up on the use of EU funds through the Erasmus+ programme, the dissemination of information on relevant calls for proposals, and guidance of scientific and administrative staff applying for calls within the Erasmus+ programme. I am a contact person for international joint degrees such as Erasmus Mundus Master Degree and Nordic Master Programme, and can provide advise on guidelines and criteria for the various international joint degrees. I am a safety delegate for the Department of Academic Affairs, and take care of the employees' interests in matters concerning the working environment. I am also the central administration safety delegate, coordinate and monitor the safety delegates locally, and represent the safety delegates in the LWEC.

Administrative field of work

International cooperation   Mobility   Organisational development   Working environment   Erasmus+   Joint degrees   Internationalisation   Exchange and mobility