Norwegian version
Linda Sandbæk

Linda Sandbæk


In her PhD work, Linda Sandbæk explores how traumatic experiences are portrayed in fiction, archives and psychoanalysis and how different texts can enrich the understanding of the impact of trauma on the individual and society. Supervisors for the project are professors Kjell Ivar Skjerdingstad at OsloMet and Siri Erika Gullestad at the University of Oslo.

Linda Sandbæk is a clinical psychologist specialising in clinical adult psychology and psychoanalysis. She has written about trauma and attachment theory related to her clinical practice as a psychologist in public mental health care and scientific articles in the interdisciplinary field of psychoanalysis and literature. She is also a writer of fiction and has published short stories for children and adults. In autumn 2024, she is publishing her first novel for adults.

Scientific publications

Sandbæk, Linda (2024). Om umulig psykologisk løsrivelse – Elfriede Jelineks Pianolærerinnen og Psykoanalytisk objektrelasjonsteori. Matrix. Vol. 40.

Sandbæk, Linda (2023). On Naming the Unnamable—Trauma and Testimony in A Girl’s Story by Annie Ernaux. American Imago. Vol. 80.

Sandbæk, Linda ; Qvortrup, Natalia Bermudez (2023). Om å bevitne systematisk vold og straffrihet – Martha Soto Gallos arkiv for sin forsvunne bror og Sara Uribes Antígona González. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. Vol. 60.

Sandbæk, Linda (2023). Like a river or a silver thread running through the vehement landscapes of reality–reflections on psychoanalysis and literary theory. Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review.

Sandbæk, Linda (2022). Om å benevne det unevnelige – «Sommeren 58» av Annie Ernaux og psykoanalytisk traumeteori. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. Vol. 59.

Sandbæk, Linda (2022). The relationship between literature and psychoanalysis: reflections on object relations theory, researcher's subjectivity, and transference in psychoanalytic literary criticism. Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete