Norwegian version
Marie Viken

Marie Viken

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Business   Economics

Subject areas

Public sector management control   Strategic leadership   Management control


Southern Europe



Publications and research


Opsahl, André; Viken, Marie ; Sundkvist, Charlotte Haugland (2024). Rollefordelingen mellom høyere utdanningsinstitusjoner og private kurstilbydere – tilfellet offentlig regnskap. ØA-konferansen 2024 - Fremtidens handelshøyskoler. USN.

Opsahl, André; Viken, Marie ; Sundkvist, Charlotte Haugland (2023). Towards general competencies - An explorative study of relationships between higher education institutions and municipalities - case of public sector accounting. NEON-dagene. NTNU HINN.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete