Norwegian version
Mohammad Ali Hussiny

Mohammad Ali Hussiny

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Information and communication technology

Publications and research

Scientific publications

Payenda, Mohammad Arif; Vahidi, Abdul Razaq; Hussiny, Mohammad Ali ; Prinz, Andreas; Øvrelid, Lilja (2024). PashtoEmo: Enhancing Text-Based Emotion Analysis in the Pashto Language Through Dataset Creation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Vol. 14763.

Hussiny, Mohammad Ali ; Payenda, Mohammad Arif; Øvrelid, Lilja (2024). PersianEmo: Enhancing Farsi-Dari Emotion Analysis with a Hybrid Transformer and Recurrent Neural Network Model. Proceedings of LREC.

Hussiny, Mohammad Ali ; Payenda, Mohammad Arif; Vahidi, Abdul Razaq (2023). SentiDariPers: Sentiment Analysis of Dari-Persian Tweets Based on People’s Views and Opinion. Valencia-Garcia, Rafael; Bucaram-Leverone, Martha; Del Cioppo-Morstadt, Javier; Vera-Lucio, Nestor; Centanaro-Quiroz, Pablo Humberto (Ed.). International Conference on Technologies and Innovation (CITI 2023). p. 138-156. Springer.

Hussiny, Mohammad Ali ; Øvrelid, Lilja (2023). Emotion Analysis of Tweets Banning Education in Afghanistan. Barnes, Jeremy; De Clercq, Orphee; Klinger, Roman (Ed.). The 13th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment, & Social Media Analysis. Association for Computational Linguistics.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete