Publications and research
Scientific publications
Davey, Neil
Altered landscapes of a post‑carbon future: Visual response imaginaries as experiences of energy infrastructure in the Orkney Islands.
Energy Research & Social Science.
Vol. 117.
Davey, Neil
; Benjaminsen, Grete
Telling Tales: Digital Storytelling as a Tool for Qualitative Data Interpretation and Communication.
International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM).
Vol. 20.
Davey, Neil Gordon
; Moulton, Michael Kirby
Digital Storytelling as an Agricultural Extension Communication Tool in Smallholder Farming and Fishing Communities in Malawi.
Singh, Bal Ram; Safalaoh, Andy; Amuri, Nyambilila A.; Eik, Lars Olav; Sitaula, Bishal K.; Lal, Rattan (Ed.).
Climate Impacts on Agricultural and Natural Resource Sustainability in Africa. p. 569-585.
Springer Nature.
Mkwizu, Y. B;
Davey, Neil Gordon
; Eik, Lars Olav; Kangalawe, R.; Kurwijila, L.R.
Assessing the Role of Storytelling Presentation in Knowledge Transfer from Climate Change Projects in Tanzania: The Case of the EPINAV Programme.
Singh, Bal Ram; Safalaoh, Andy; Amuri, Nyambilila A.; Eik, Lars Olav; Sitaula, Bishal K.; Lal, Rattan (Ed.).
Climate Impacts on Agricultural and Natural Resource Sustainability in Africa. p. 587-603.
Springer Nature.