Norwegian version
Per Martin Norheim-Martinsen

Per Martin Norheim-Martinsen


As Vice-Rector (Vice President) at OsloMet I have responsibility for research, development and innovation at the university. I am also the leader of our central R&D advisory board and OsloMet´s Sustainability Council. 

My background is in Political Science, and I am a Professor in Security and European Politics at OsloMet. I have a PhD in International Studies from the University of Cambridge (2010). Previously I have experience from various research and leadership positions at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, the Fafo research foundation and the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies. Before coming to OsloMet in 2019, I worked at the Command and Staff College at the Norwegian Defence University College.

Research interests:

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Scientific publications

Rongved, Gjermund Forfang; Norheim- Martinsen, Per Martin (2022). Totalforsvaret i praksis. ISBN: 9788205566873. 216 p. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Norheim- Martinsen, Per Martin (2019). Det nye totalforsvaret. ISBN: 9788205516427. 176 p. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S.

Norheim- Martinsen, Per Martin (2017). Hvor spesielle er militære organisasjoner?. Heier, Tormod (Ed.). Kompetanseforvaltning i Forsvaret. Fagbokforlaget.

Norheim- Martinsen, Per Martin (2016). New sources of military change - armed forces as normal organizations. Defence Studies. Vol. 16.

Norheim- Martinsen, Per Martin (2015). The Governance of European Defence. Jørgensen, Knud Erik; Aarstad, Åsne Kalland; Drieskens, Edith; Laatikainen, Katie Verlin; Tonra, Ben (Ed.). The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy. p. 251-263. Sage Publications.

Norheim- Martinsen, Per Martin (2015). Nye trusler endrer lite i norsk forsvarspolitikk. Internasjonal Politikk. Vol. 73.

Norheim- Martinsen, Per Martin (2015). Introduction: trends and scenarios in international military operations. Norheim- Martinsen, Per Martin; Nyhamar, Tore Olav (Ed.). International Military Operations in the 21st Century: Global Trends and the Future of Intervention. p. 1-20. Routledge.

Norheim- Martinsen, Per Martin ; Nyhamar, Tore Olav (2015). Conclusions: New Missions, New Tasks. Norheim- Martinsen, Per Martin; Nyhamar, Tore Olav (Ed.). International Military Operations in the 21st Century: Global Trends and the Future of Intervention. p. 215-231. Routledge.

Norheim- Martinsen, Per Martin ; Nyhamar, Tore Olav (2015). International Military Operations in the 21st Century: Global Trends and the Future of Intervention. ISBN: 978-1-13-881915-3. 258 p. Routledge.

Norheim- Martinsen, Per Martin (2014). Globale trender og internasjonale operasjoner. Heier, Tormod; Rønnfeldt, Carsten; Kjølberg, Anders Olav (Ed.). Norge i internasjonale operasjoner: militærmakt mellom idealer og realpolitikk. p. 123-131. Universitetsforlaget.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete