Norwegian version
Sarjo Kuyateh

Sarjo Kuyateh

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Cognitive psychology

Research groups

Publications and research

Scientific publications

Laeng, Bruno; Kuyateh, Sarjo ; Kelkar, Tejaswinee (2021). Substituting facial movements in singers changes the sounds of musical intervals. Scientific Reports. Vol. 11.

Csifcsak, Gabor; Bjørkøy, Jorunn; Kuyateh, Sarjo ; Reithe, Haakon; Mittner, Matthias (2021). Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation above the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Facilitates Decision-Making following Periods of Low Outcome Controllability. eNeuro.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete