Tanja Storsul is Pro-Rector for Research and Development at OsloMet. She has specific responsibility for monitoring and developing research at the University. Storsul is the Chair of OsloMets Research and Development Committee and represents the University in research-related networks and groups. She is also responsible for OsloMets University Library.
Storsul has previously been Director of Institute for Social Research. She has also been Professor and Head of Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo. Her research interests include technology and society, media policy, and how digitalization affects media markets.
Fields of study
Subject areas
Democracy Media policy and media regulation STS Digitalization
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Krumsvik, Arne H.; Milan, Stefania; Ni Bhroin, Niamh;
Storsul, Tanja
Making (Sense of) Media Innovations.
Deuze, Mark; Prenger, Mirjam (Ed.).
Making Media: Production, Practices, and Professions. p. 193-205.
Amsterdam University Press.
Kalsnes, Bente
; Krumsvik, Arne H.;
Storsul, Tanja
Social media as a political backchannel: Twitter use during televised election debates in Norway.
ASLIB Proceedings.
Vol. 66.
Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea ; Krumsvik, Arne H.; Storsul, Tanja (2014). En kamp om makt og mening: Casestudie av Nordlys på iPad. Morlandstø, Lisbeth; Krumsvik, Arne H. (Ed.). Innovasjon og verdiskaping i lokale medier. p. 127-142. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Storsul, Tanja
Deliberation or self-presentation? Young people, politics and social media.
Nordicom Review.
Vol. 35.
Storsul, Tanja
; Krumsvik, Arne H.
What is Media Innovation?.
Storsul, Tanja; Krumsvik, Arne H. (Ed.).
Media Innovations. A Multidisciplinary Study of Change. p. 13-26.
Krumsvik, Arne H.; Skogerbø, Eli;
Storsul, Tanja
Size, Ownership and Innovation in Newspapers.
Storsul, Tanja; Krumsvik, Arne H. (Ed.).
Media Innovations. A Multidisciplinary Study of Change. p. 93-109.
Storsul, Tanja
; Krumsvik, Arne H.
Media Innovations. A Multidisciplinary Study of Change.
ISBN: 978-91-86523-65-7.
280 p.
Storsul, Tanja (2012). Mediepolitikk. Orgeret, Kristin (Ed.). Norske medier – journalistikk, politikk og kultur. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget.
Storsul, Tanja (2011). Sosiale medier - nye muligheter for allmennkringkasterne. Nordicom Information.
Fagerjord, Anders; Maasø, Arnt;
Storsul, Tanja
; Syvertsen, Trine
High risk, strong belief : images of the future in the media industry.
Nordicom Review.
Vol. 31.