I have conducted ethnographic research with San communities in Namibia and Botswana since 2008. My main fieldsite is the Omaheke region in east central Namibia, where I have worked with the Ju|’hoansi and published on topics related to formal and traditional education, state development, animism and relational ontology, and ethics.
I am a co-founding member of the Research and Advocacy Group for Hunter Gatherer Education (HG-Edu), established under the International Society for Hunter Gatherer Research (ISHGR). HG-Edu focuses on identifying scientifically informed approaches to issues relating to education and communicating these findings to relevant institutions.
I am currently leading a project for the documentation of the material culture of the Omaheke Ju|’hoansi, funded by the Endangered Material Knowledge Project, hosted by the British Museum.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Ethnography Indigenous peoples International, comparative education Indigenous rights Ontology Indigenous peoples' research Ontologies Indigenous languages Critical Multicultural Education Indigenous issues Teaching about Indigenous Indigenous Studies Hunter-gatherers San
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Ninkova, Velina
; Hays, Jennifer Lynn; Lavi, Noa; Ali, Aishah; Lopes da Silva Macedo, Silvia; Davis, Helen Elizabeth; Lew-Levy, Sheina
Hunter-Gatherer Children at School: A View From the Global South.
Review of Educational Research.
Ninkova, Velina
; Abels, Monika; Kilale, Andrew Martin
Playing, Working, and Learning in Flux: Perspectives from African Post-forager Childhoods.
Utsa, Mukherjee (Ed.).
Childhoods & Leisure. Cross-Cultural and Inter-Disciplinary Dialogues. p. 235-253.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Abels, Monika;
Ninkova, Velina
Conducting Fieldwork with San and Hadza (Post-)Hunter-Gatherer Communities in Africa: Regulatory and Ethical Issues.
17 p.
Trends in Psychology.
Ninkova, Velina
The state as a whiteman, the whiteman as a /’hun: personhood, recognition, and the politics of knowability in the Kalahari.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.
Vol. 28.
Ninkova, Velina
; Paksi, Attila
Learning to aspire, aspiring to subvert: Namibian San youths' narratives about the future as mimetic work of resistance.
Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education.
Ninkova, Velina
Mother-tongue education for the Omaheke Ju|'hoansi in Namibia: Between policy and practice.
Olsen, Torjer Andreas; Sollid, Hilde (Ed.).
Indigenising Education and Citizenship: Perspectives on Policies
and Practices from Sápmi and beyond. p. 237-254.
Ninkova, Velina
Perpetuating the myth of the "wild Bushman": Inclusive multicultural education for the Omaheke Ju|'hoansi in Namibia.
Comparative Education Review.
Vol. 64.
Hays, Jennifer;
Ninkova, Velina
; Dounias, Edmond
Hunter-gatherers and education: Towards a recognition of extreme local diversity and common global challenges.
25 p.
Hunter-Gatherer Research.
Vol. 5.
Hays, Jennifer; Ninkova, Velina (2018). Vertical and Horizontal Mobility among the Ju|’hoansi of Namibia. Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Kjersti; Engebrigtsen, Ada I. (Ed.). Movement and Connectivity: Configurations of Belonging. p. 99-130. Peter Lang Publishing Group.
Ninkova, Velina
Not foragers, not not-foragers: The case of the Omaheke Ju/'hoansi.
Senri Ethnological Studies.