Norwegian version
Vigdis Aas

Vigdis Aas

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Human and veterinary science physiology

Subject areas

Pharmacy   Physiology   Pharmacology   Metabolism   Diabetes   Signal transduction   Exercise   Extracellular vesicles

Research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Aas, Vigdis ; Øvstebø, Reidun; Brusletto, Berit; Aspelin, Trude; Trøseid, Anne-Marie Siebke; Qureshi, Saba; Eid, Desima Shitandi Otundo; Olstad, Ole Kristoffer; Nyman, Tuula Anneli; Foss Haug, Kari Bente (2023). Distinct microRNA and protein profiles of extracellular vesicles secreted from myotubes from morbidly obese donors with type 2 diabetes in response to electrical pulse stimulation. 19 p. Frontiers in Physiology. Vol. 14.

Mengeste, Abel Mulu; Nikolic, Natasa; Dalmao Fernandez, Andrea; Feng, Yuan Zeng; Nyman, Tuula Anneli; Kersten, Sander; Haugen, Fred; Kase, Eili Tranheim; Aas, Vigdis ; Rustan, Arild Christian; Thoresen, G. Hege (2022). Insight Into the Metabolic Adaptations of Electrically Pulse-Stimulated Human Myotubes Using Global Analysis of the Transcriptome and Proteome. 21 p. Frontiers in Physiology. Vol. 13.

Tingstad, Ragna Husby; Norheim, Frode Amador; Haugen, Fred; Feng, Yuan Zeng; Tunsjø, Hege ; Thoresen, G. Hege; Rustan, Arild Christian; Charnock, Colin ; Aas, Vigdis (2021). The effect of toll-like receptor ligands on energy metabolism and myokine expression and secretion in cultured human skeletal muscle cells. 13 p. Scientific Reports. Vol. 11.

Aas, Vigdis ; Thoresen, G. Hege; Rustan, Arild; Lund, Jenny (2020). Substrate oxidation in primary human skeletal muscle cells is influenced by donor age. Cell and Tissue Research. Vol. 382.

Nikolic, Natasa; Aas, Vigdis (2019). Electrical pulse stimulation of primary human skeletal muscle cells. Methods in molecular biology. Vol. 1889.

Lund, Jenny; Ouwens, D. Margriet; Wettergreen, Marianne; Bakke, Siril Skaret; Thoresen, G. Hege; Aas, Vigdis (2019). Increased glycolysis and higher lactate production in hyperglycemic myotubes. 14 p. Cells. Vol. 8.

Lund, Jenny; Aas, Vigdis ; Tingstad, Ragna Husby; Van Hees, Alfons; Nikolic, Natasa (2018). Utilization of lactic acid in human myotubes and interplay with glucose and fatty acid metabolism. Scientific Reports. Vol. 8.

Nikolic, Natasa; Görgens, Sven W.; Thoresen, G. Hege; Aas, Vigdis ; Eckel, Jürgen; Eckardt, Kristin (2016). Electrical pulse stimulation of cultured skeletal muscle cells as a model for in vitro exercise - possibilities and limitations. Acta Physiologica. Vol. 220.

Aas, Vigdis ; Gedde-Dahl, Ane ; Tingstad, Ragna Husby; Charnock, Colin (2015). Tarmfloraen - på helsa løs. Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 123.

Aas, Vigdis ; Lund, Jenny; Kase, Eili Tranheim; Feng, Yuan Zeng; Rustan, Arild; Thoresen, G. Hege (2015). Blodglukosesenkende legemidler ved type 2-diabetes. Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 123.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete